Helen Rule


In 2002 she landed her first film role, after completing a Performing Arts course, in a Cornish language
Cornish language
Cornish is a Brythonic Celtic language and a recognised minority language of the United Kingdom. Along with Welsh and Breton, it is directly descended from the ancient British language spoken throughout much of Britain before the English language came to dominate...

 feature film Hwerow Hweg
Hwerow Hweg
Hwerow Hweg is a 2002 drama film directed by Hungarian film-maker Antal Kovacs and filmed in the native Cornish language, Kernewek.-Plot:...

. The film went on to be nominated for best feature at The Celtic Media Festival
Celtic Media Festival
The Celtic Media Festival, previously known as the Celtic Film and Television Festival, aims to promote the languages and cultures of the Celtic nations on screen and in broadcasting. The festival is an annual three-day celebration of broadcasting and film from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall...

 and was released in Wales, Canada and Brittany. Helen was then cast in several short films including a domestic violence awareness film which led to a leading role in the award-winning thriller The Lark starring Mary Woodvine
Mary Woodvine
Mary Woodvine is a British actress who appeared as Mary Harkinson in EastEnders in 2003. Her father, John Woodvine, is also an actor.She has also appeared in Doc Martin, Born and Bred, Casualty, Pie in the Sky, Down to Earth and Heartbeat. In 1994 she played the role of Aurelia Took in Space...

 and Phil Jacobs. She is also the photographic subject of a book entitled Kama Slumber.


  • Perfect
    Perfection is a philosophical concept.Perfect may also refer to:- Music :* Perfect interval, a type of interval used in music* Perfect * Perfect , a band from Poland* "Perfect" , 1988 single...

  • The Lark
    The Lark (film)
    The Lark is a 2008 psychological thriller film directed by Steve Tanner and written by Paul Farmer. The film starred British TV actress Mary Woodvine, and was filmed in 18 days in Cornwall, England on a budget of £12,000...

  • Add to Friend (2007)
  • Smoke
    Smoke is a collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires , but may also be used for pest...

  • New Boots (2006)
  • The 12 Inch Pianist (2006)
  • Hwerow Hweg
    Hwerow Hweg
    Hwerow Hweg is a 2002 drama film directed by Hungarian film-maker Antal Kovacs and filmed in the native Cornish language, Kernewek.-Plot:...

  • Frenchman's Creek (TV)(1998)

External links

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