Herbertus Bikker
Herbertus Bikker also known as De Beul van Ommen ("The Butcher of Ommen"), was a Dutch war criminal
War crime
War crimes are serious violations of the laws applicable in armed conflict giving rise to individual criminal responsibility...

. He was born in Alblasserwaard
The Alblasserwaard is a polder in the province South Holland in the Netherlands. It is mainly known for the windmills of Kinderdijk, a village in the northwest of the Alblasserwaard.-History:...


Bikker was a member of the Waffen-SS
The Waffen-SS was a multi-ethnic and multi-national military force of the Third Reich. It constituted the armed wing of the Schutzstaffel or SS, an organ of the Nazi Party. The Waffen-SS saw action throughout World War II and grew from three regiments to over 38 divisions, and served alongside...

. In this function he served as a guard at the prison and work camp Erika
Kamp Erika
Kamp Erika was during the Second World War, a Nazi concentration camp, Arbeitseinsatzlager Erika, was situated at the Besthemerberg. Only eight Jews were detained here; the camp was designated mostly for Dutchmen convicted of black market trade or resistance to the occupational authorities...

 near Ommen
Ommen is a municipality and a Hanseatic city in the Vecht valley of the Salland region, which is at the heart of the province of Overijssel in the eastern Netherlands. Historical records first name Ommen in the early 12th century and it was officially founded as a city in 1248...

. He received his nickname due to his brutal behaviour at the prison camp.

Bikker is the alleged murderer of Dutch resistance
Dutch resistance
Dutch resistance to the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands during World War II can be mainly characterized by its prominent non-violence, summitting in over 300,000 people in hiding in the autumn of 1944, tended to by some 60,000 to 200,000 illegal landlords and caretakers and tolerated knowingly...

 fighter Jan Houtman who was killed, twenty-seven years old, on 17 November 1944.

Following the end of World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

, he was sentenced to death by a Dutch court. Together with Klaas Carel Faber
Klaas Carel Faber
Klaas Carel Faber , is a convicted Dutch-German war criminal. He is the son of Pieter Faber and Carolina Josephine Henriëtte Bakker, and the brother of Pieter Johan Faber, who was executed for war crimes in 1948....

, Sander Borgers and four other convicted war criminals, he managed to escape from prison in Breda
Breda is a municipality and a city in the southern part of the Netherlands. The name Breda derived from brede Aa and refers to the confluence of the rivers Mark and Aa. As a fortified city, the city was of strategic military and political significance...

 on 26 December 1952 and fled to Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

, crossing the border at Ubbergen
Ubbergen is a municipality and a town in the eastern Netherlands.- Population centres :Beek, Berg en Dal, Erlecom, Groenlanden, Kekerdom, Leuth, Ooij, Persingen, Tiengeboden, Ubbergen and Wercheren.-External links:*...

 near Cleves. Settling in the city of Hagen
Hagen is the 39th-largest city in Germany, located in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is located on the eastern edge of the Ruhr area, 15 km south of Dortmund, where the rivers Lenne, Volme and Ennepe meet the river Ruhr...

, he lived in Germany undetected until 1995. Following a decree from 1943, foreign members of the Waffen-SS automatically received German nationality. Germany does not extradite its own nationals.

Finally, being one of the few surviving war criminals, he was taken to court after all in Germany. Bikker's only chance to evade prosecution and trial was to claim diminished responsibility
Diminished responsibility
In criminal law, diminished responsibility is a potential defense by excuse by which defendants argue that although they broke the law, they should not be held fully criminally liable for doing so, as their mental functions were "diminished" or impaired. The defense's acceptance in American...

 due to illness. When a doctor attested Bikker's limited responsibility, his case came to court. However, following a breakdown and fainting in court, neurologist
A neurologist is a physician who specializes in neurology, and is trained to investigate, or diagnose and treat neurological disorders.Neurology is the medical specialty related to the human nervous system. The nervous system encompasses the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. A specialist...

s advised against Bikker standing trial due illness. Court was adjourned on 2 February 2004.

Bikker lived in Hagen as a pensioner until his death, which was not made public until April 2009.

External links

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