High Hesleden
High Hesleden is a village in County Durham
County Durham
County Durham is a ceremonial county and unitary district in north east England. The county town is Durham. The largest settlement in the ceremonial county is the town of Darlington...

, in England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

. It is situated a few miles north of Hartlepool
Hartlepool is a town and port in North East England.It was founded in the 7th century AD, around the Northumbrian monastery of Hartlepool Abbey. The village grew during the Middle Ages and developed a harbour which served as the official port of the County Palatine of Durham. A railway link from...

, between Blackhall Rocks
Blackhall Rocks
Blackhall Rocks is a village on the North Sea coast of County Durham, England. It is situated on the A1086 between Horden and Hartlepool, and just south of Blackhall Colliery which it adjoins...

 and Hesleden
Hesleden is a village in County Durham, in England. It is situated to the south of Peterlee. It has a large pond situated at the bottom next to the Hart to Haswell Walkway. Hesleden also has a park and Dene to walk through and explore....


Mostly along one street or road, on which one side, lies a village green, there is a turn off(although difficult to recognise), for Monk Hesleden
Monk Hesleden
Monk Hesleden is a village in County Durham, in England. It is situated a short distance to the south of High Hesleden, to the north-west of Hartlepool.-Etymology and history:...

, there is a small country lane which takes you down to Crimdon
Crimdon is a village in County Durham, England. It is situated on the North Sea coast, between Blackhall Rocks and Hartlepool on the A1086 road. Crimdon was formerly a popular holiday resort for miners and their families from nearby towns and villages, on account of its affordability for low-income...

, passing the Tweddle Blackhalls Farm(which is open to the public). The only thing close to a landmark is "The Ship Inn", which is located centrally, by the village green.
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