Higher Art of Rebellion
Higher Art of Rebellion is the second full-length studio album by the Symphonic black metal
Symphonic black metal
Symphonic black metal is a black metal subgenre that emerged in the mid to late 1990s. The genre is known for its symphonic and orchestral elements and is centralized in Europe.-Characteristics:...

(era) band Agathodaimon
Agathodaimon (band)
Agathodaimon is a gothic/melodic black metal band from Mainz, Germany.-Biography:The band began in September 1995, when guitarist Sathonys and drummer Matthias got together to assemble a dominant death metal band with harmonic arrangements . They put adverts in several music magazines in the hopes...


Track listing

  1. Ne Cheamă Pamîntul - 5:36
  2. Tongue of Thorns - 4:36
  3. Glasul Artei Viitoare - 8:37
  4. When She Is Mute - 4:03
  5. A Death In Its' Plenitude - 4:59
  6. Body of Clay - 5:02
  7. Novus Ordo Seclorum - 6:05
  8. Back Into the Shadows - 6:39
  9. Les Posédes - 4:45
  10. Neovampirism - 6:12
  11. Heaven’s Coffin - 5:09
  12. Ribbons / Requiem ‘99 (Bonus Track) - 6:48
  13. Body of Clay (Remix) (Bonus Track) - 4:28
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