
Hildocerataceae is a superfamily of compressed or planulate ammonites, some tending to develop acute outer rims; generally with arcuate or sigmoidal ribs. Aptichus were found in place are double-valved.

The Hildocerataceae is an upper Lower- to lower Middle Jurassic group belonging to the Ammonitina that unites the Hildoceratidae, Hammatoceratidae, Graphoceratidae, and Sonniniidae. In some taxonomies the name Phymatoceratidae is substituted for the Hammatoceratidae

The Hildoceratidae, which is the ancestral family, is derived from the Acanthopleuroceratinae, a subfamily in the Eoderoceratacean
Eoderocerataceae is a superfamily of true ammonites from the Lower Jurassic, comprising seven phylogenetically related families, characterized in general by having ribbed evolute shells that commonly bear spines or tubercles...

 family, Polyorphitidae. The Stephanocerataceae
Stephanocerataceae is a superfamily of middle Jurassic ammonoid cephalopods within the order Ammonitida containing diverse forms, generally with sharp ribbing and complex suture lines...

, Perisphinctaceae
Perisphinctoidea, formerly Perisphinctaceae, is a superfamily of Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous ammonites, commonly with evolute shells with strong ribbing that typically divides about mid flank before crossing the venter....

, and Haplocerataceae
Haplocerataceae is a superfamily of ammonoid cephalopods belonging to the Ammonitida that unites three families, the Strigoceratidae, Oppeliidae, and Haploceratidae, listed below....

have their source in the Hammitoceratidae which is derived from the Hildoceratidae .
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