Hodo Nivica
Hodo Nivica was an Albanian fighter famous for his role in Albanian revolt of 1847
Albanian Revolt of 1847
The Albanian Revolt of 1847 was a 19th century uprising in southern Albania directed against Ottoman Tanzimat reforms which started in 1839 and were gradually being put in action in the regions of Albania. One of the characteristics of the uprising was the absence of known bey families among its...

. He was one of the few local leaders that escaped the massacre of Albanian beys
Massacre of the Albanian Beys
The Massacre of the Albanian beys occurred on 26 August 1830, when around 500 Albanian leaders and their personal guards were killed by Ottoman forces in the town of Manastir...

. Although invited by Ottoman governor, suspicious of his real intentions he did not went to Monastir. After his participation in the revolt of 1847 he was pardoned by the Sultan. In 1852 together with Zenel Gjoleka
Zenel Gjoleka
Zenel Gjoleka was an Albanian revolutionary famous for his role in Albanian revolt of 1847 also known as Zenel Gjoleka revolt. After those events he was pardoned by Abdülmecid I, the Sultan of Ottoman Empire at that time. In 1852 he died fighting as a mercenary against Montenegrin...

he died fighting as a mercenary against Montenegrin forces.
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