Hoher Riffler (Zillertal Alps)
The Hoher Riffler is a 3,231 metre high mountain in the Zillertal Alps
Zillertal Alps
The Zillertal Alps are a mountain range of the Central Eastern Alps on the border of Austria and Italy. The range is named after the Zillertal on its north....

, on the eastern part of the main chain of the Tux (Tuxer Hauptkamm), in the Austria
Austria , officially the Republic of Austria , is a landlocked country of roughly 8.4 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the...

n state of Tyrol. The peak is firn-covered on its northern side, but from the south it looks like a rocky summit. Ridges run from the top towards the southwest, north, northeast and southeast, some of them carrying approach paths. The summit is easily attained from the mountain hut of Spannagelhaus to the west or the Friesenberghaus to the south and, as a result, is often visited. In winter it is an easy destination for ski mountaineers. The peak was first conquered during the Austrian national survey. The first tourist climber, according to the literature, was one H. Weber, guided
Mountain guide
Mountain guides are specially trained and experienced mountaineers and professionals who are generally certified by an association. They are considered experts in mountaineering.-Skills:Their skills usually include climbing, skiing and hiking...

 by Georg Samer in 1875.

Surrounding area

The Zillertal Riffler (Zillertaler Riffler) is only enclosed by glacier
A glacier is a large persistent body of ice that forms where the accumulation of snow exceeds its ablation over many years, often centuries. At least 0.1 km² in area and 50 m thick, but often much larger, a glacier slowly deforms and flows due to stresses induced by its weight...

s to the north and west. To the north the Federbettkees starts just below the summit whilst, to the west, is the much smaller Schwarzbrunnerkees. To the southeast are the remnants of the Rifflerkees, which has largely retreated due to global warming
Global warming
Global warming refers to the rising average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans and its projected continuation. In the last 100 years, Earth's average surface temperature increased by about with about two thirds of the increase occurring over just the last three decades...

. Amongst the neighbouring peaks are the twin summits of the Gefrorene-Wand-Spitzen
The Gefrorene-Wand-Spitzen are two summits on the Tux Crest , a mountain chain in the Zillertal Alps, one of the ranges of the central Eastern Alps in the Austrian state of Tyrol. The north summit is recorded as 3,286 metres high in the literature, but is 3,288 metres high according to the Federal...

 (3,288 m) along the southwest ridge (Südwestgrat) on the other side of the 2,904 m high wind gap of the Friesenbergscharte. On the other side of the Federbettkees, along the north ridge (Nordgrat) which swings northeast, lie the Griererkarspitze (2,968 m), Napfspitze (2,925 m) and die 3,038 metre high Realspitze, separated by the col of Obere Rifflerscharte (2,968  m), Along the southeast ridge (Südostgrat), above the Wesendlekarsees glacier (surface at 2,375 m) and separated by the 2,774 m high col of Untere Rifflerscharte, is the Kleine Riffler (2,835 m). The nearest important settlement is the winter sports resort of Hintertux about four kilometres northwest as the crow flies
As the crow flies
"As the crow flies" or beelining is an idiom for the shortest route between two points; the geodesic distance.An example is the great-circle distance between Key West and Pensacola, at either end of the U.S...


Bases and routes

The Friesenberghaus (2,498 m) is the base for an ice-free climb along the south ridge (Südgrat). The base for an approach via the Friesenbergscharte gap and southwest ridge (Südwestgrat) is the Spannagelhaus. Both routes are similar and of climbing grade UIAA I and count as the normal route. According to the literature, it takes about 2 1/2 hours to reach the summit cross
Summit cross
A summit cross is a cross on the summit of a mountain or hill that marks the top. Often there will be a "summit register" at the cross, either in a container or at least a weatherproof case....

 from the Friesenberghaus and somewhat less time from the Spannagelhaus. In winter the climb can be done as an easy ski tour.

Sources and maps

  • Heinrich Klier/Walter Klier: Alpine Club Guide
    Alpine Club Guide
    The Alpine Club Guides are the standard series of Alpine guides that cover all the important mountain groups in the Eastern Alps. They are produced jointly by the German , Austrian and South Tyrol Alpine Clubs...

    Zillertaler Alpen
    , Munich, 1996, ISBN 3-7633-1269-2
  • Alpine Club map, 1:25,000 series, Zillertaler Alpen, West, Sheet 35/1

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.