The Hollier, also known as the Vincent-Hollier, was an automobile built in Chelsea and Jackson, Michigan
Jackson, Michigan
Jackson is a city located along Interstate 94 in the south central area of the U.S. state of Michigan, about west of Ann Arbor and south of Lansing. It is the county seat of Jackson County. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 33,534...

 by Charles Lewis, president of the Lewis Spring and Axle Company from 1915-21. The Hollier was available originally with a V-8 engine of their own design. A later offering, starting in 1917, was powered by a six-cylinder Falls engine. Only open models were built. After the war ended, the company name was changed.


Year Engine HP Wheelbase
1915 Inline Eight  40 112"
1916 Inline Eight 40 112"
1917 Inline Eight(Inline Six) 40(21.6) 116"
1918 Inline Eight(Inline Six) 40(25.35) 116"
1919-1921 Inline Six 55 120"
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