Home Rooms (The Wire episode)
"Home Rooms" is the third episode of the fourth season of the HBO original series The Wire
. Written by Richard Price
from a story by Ed Burns
& Richard Price, and directed by Seith Mann
, it originally aired on September 24, 2006.
, and Chad L. Coleman do not appear in this episode.
meets with police commissioner Ervin Burrell
to discuss his response to the murder of a witness. His opponent in the upcoming election, Tommy Carcetti
, had used it to score points against him in a debate and has received a bump in the polls. Burrell assures the mayor that they will downplay the case. Also present are Royce's Chief of Staff Coleman Parker, State Delegate Odell Watkins and State's Attorney Steven Demper. Royce decides to play a harder campaign now that Carcetti has gained on him. He orders Parker to spread the word that supporters contributing to both campaigns will be denied favors in his next term, and to use city resources to remove Carcetti's campaign material and sit on his offices looking for parking violations. He asks Burrell and Demper to go to the press and cover for him by downplaying the murder victim's role as a witness and taking any fallout on themselves. Demper worries how this will affect his own re-election campaign and Royce threatens to drop him from the mayoral ticket if he does not follow his orders. After Burrell and Demper leave, Watkins criticizes Royce. Watkins arranged funds for a witness protection scheme which Royce could have implemented by matching the funds from his own budget. Royce failed to do so and a witness is now dead. Because Carcetti was involved in planning the witness protection program Royce still refuses to let it go ahead because it would be a victory for his opponent.
Royce meets with Thomas "Herc" Hauk, the security detail officer who caught him receiving oral sex from his secretary. He takes an interest in Herc's career plans where Herc then confesses his desire to make sergeant, as he is currently 32nd on the list. Royce tells Herc that he thinks he is a good and loyal officer who could be doing better things than driving around politicians. Royce then phones Burrell on Herc's behalf requesting that his name be moved to the next available sergeant's posting. Herc says the assistance is unexpected and Royce's reply references the elephant in the room
: "Don't mention it." The promotion occurs in exactly the manner that Stan Valchek
predicted it would.
As Carcetti makes successful campaign calls, the Mayor's orders start to come into effect. Noisy construction work begins outside the campaign office and some of the campaign vehicles are being towed away. That night Carcetti attends the funeral of the murdered witness with his deputy campaign manager Norman Wilson. They are not the only politicians there — Watkins and prospective city council member Marla Daniels are also present. Watkins has phoned the press about the funeral. Carcetti awkwardly gives his condolences to the family. He greets Daniels and wishes her luck in his campaign against Eunetta Perkins in the eleventh district, telling her the council could use her. As he leaves the funeral home he refuses to talk to the press. Wilson urges him to use the opportunity for political theatre, but he notes that while he will have plenty of opportunities to grandstand for the press, appearing restrained will make a far stronger positive impression on Watkins and Daniels.
continues his search for Lex, a suspect in the murder of Fruit. He visits Jimmy McNulty
and Beadie Russell
's home for dinner. Beadie's children, Jack and Cary, are there as well. Bunk notices that the children have binders taken from the anti-terrorism briefing in "Boys of Summer
Bunk invites McNulty for a drink after dinner and Beadie encourages a reluctant McNulty to go with him. Bunk is disappointed that McNulty has cleaned up his drinking habits. Bunk uses the metaphor of lake trout to tell McNulty he is worried that he is trying to be something that he is not. McNulty tells him that sometimes things are what they seem.
gets a visit on his corner from Marlo Stanfield
. Marlo is impressed that Bodie has turned a once quiet area into a thriving business but tries to hide it by pretending not to know Bodie's name. He has an ultimatum for him — start selling Marlo's (inferior) product, or leave the area so one of Marlo's crews can work the corner. He tells Bodie that Chris Partlow
will be back soon for his answer. Snoop is also with Marlo and casually appraises Bodie. Marlo recognizes Michael Lee
, the boy who refused a handout from Marlo and is now working as a runner for Bodie. He asks Chris to find out more about Michael.
Bodie is also impressed with Michael. He notices that Michael stands up to the customers and refuses to be cheated out of more drugs than they paid for. Bodie tries to convince Michael to stay with his organization instead of going back to school. Bodie offers Michael an after-school job, but Michael walks away without answering.
Bodie meets with Slim Charles and tells him the news of Marlo's ultimatum. He has decided to fight Marlo's attempt to take over the corner even without any backup. Bodie refuses to listen to Slim Charles' advice.
that he is unlikely to be successful negotiating with Marlo given that Stringer Bell
failed to make him see reason.
Omar and Renaldo stake out a potential target: a corner shop. Omar spots detective Kima Greggs
photographing the store owner, though she does not see him. Both observers notice the resupply being delivered by a man with a child in school uniform, the day before school starts. Greggs enters the store to look around and then leaves. Omar tells Renaldo that he respects Greggs as long as she stays out of their way. When she leaves, Omar says she needs more patience.
They continue to surveil the store until another resupply is delivered. Omar sends Renaldo in to steal it with an old gun. The store owner, Old Face Andre, notices Renaldo's low caliber weapon and tries to claim that the plexiglass surrounding his till is bulletproof. Omar steps in, fires through the glass, and demands the drugs. He buys a pack of cigarettes before he leaves and insists on receiving the correct change. Omar revels in seeing the look on Andre's face.
. Freamon has been working on the cell phone records of Old Face Andre based on the recorded call they have of him talking to Marlo Stanfield. They have tied him to Monk and Fruit, but Greggs doubts there will be a link directly to Marlo. Freamon hopes to tie Andre to Tote or Partlow. Lieutenant Asher leaves the office, telling the detectives he has to see the deputy commissioner. He asks them if they have gotten into something that might get the unit in trouble, but they assure him there isn't anything to worry about.
Deputy Commissioner William Rawls
briefs Lieutenant Charles Marimow about taking over the major case unit. Marimow is concerned about the subpoenas the unit served against political figures. He tells him they will not be responded to before the election, and will thereafter be ignored. Asher arrives and Rawls relieves him of duty, pretending that he is happy with his work.
Marimow introduces himself to the unit with a speech. He tells them that he has worked his way up to the lieutenant grade and understands the street. He preaches cooperation, but more importantly, supervision. The detectives share worried looks as Marimow leaves them to consider their future.
Marimow holds an office meeting to discuss the Stanfield investigation. He notices Officer Massey's absence, and Leander Sydnor
explains that she worked a night shift and is not due during the day. Marimow tells them office meeting attendance is now mandatory. He asks about the suitability of Stanfield as a target. Freamon explains that Stanfield holds most of the drug corners in West Baltimore. Marimow says they will not focus on drug dealers who are not involved in murders and demands a minimum number of cases per month. He reminds them that the Barksdale case is closed and orders them to shut down the Stanfield wiretap. Freamon reminds him that the judge decides when the wiretap is finished. Marimow tells Freamon he will have to talk to Rawls.
Dismayed at the direction the unit is heading, Greggs meets with her old commander Major Cedric Daniels
to discuss a transfer. Daniels is now commander of the Western district and Greggs wants to come back to work for him. He urges her to pursue investigative work further and try to move up or at least laterally instead of moving down by coming back to a district.
Freamon meets with Rawls. Rawls admits a grudging respect for Freamon and anticipates him involving the judge. Rawls tacitly threatens Greggs and Sydnor's careers in order to control Freamon. Rawls tells Freamon he respects his effort and offers him a transfer back to homicide. Freamon accepts, desperate to get away from Marimow and Rawls asks him to consider it a favor.
Daniels also meets Rawls on Greggs' behalf. He asks Rawls to help Greggs find a new position and suggests homicide. Rawls tells Daniels that Freamon has taken the post but offers to "see who he doesn't love anymore" and transfer out another detective to make room for Greggs.
At work Colvin is called to a hotel room where a prostitute has been beaten for attempting to steal from her client's wallet. He wants to arrest the man, Mr. Gurgin, for assault, and cuffs him. The man is a good customer of the hotel and the manager refuses to let him be arrested. Colvin releases him after the manager reminds him he is no longer a police officer.
Colvin visits the deacon, who immediately notices he no longer has the company car; Colvin has lost the hotel job. The deacon takes him to meet with the academic responsible for administrating the grant, Dr. David Parenti. Parenti plans to focus on a target group and try to prevent them from becoming repeat violent offenders. He hopes to enlist Colvin as a field researcher recruiting subjects for the study. Parenti aims for 18-to-21-year-olds, because there is a peak in violent behavior at that age. Outside the meeting, Colvin suggests that he cannot talk to Parenti without the deacon to "translate," but the deacon dismisses this concern. Colvin realizes that the target age is most likely too high. He discusses his salary with the deacon who warns him the rewards of the position are unlikely to be as good as he hopes.
Colvin visits his old district with Parenti to show him first-hand the behavior of 18-to-21 year-olds. Sergeant Carver allows them to interview one of the drug enforcement unit's prisoners, Shaun Williams. Williams is abusive and belligerent. Colvin asks him how he would react if his sister was beaten. Williams suggests violence, or having someone respond violently on his behalf. When Parenti suggests involving the police, Williams attacks the academic and Colvin is forced to restrain him while Parenti flees the interview. Colvin thanks Williams for "being you", as it graphically illustrated to Parenti the danger he was facing. Outside, Parenti acknowledges that young men in the age group he was targeting are probably "too seasoned," much to Colvin and Carver's amusement. Colvin suggests that they target middle school children.
Next, they visit the Edward Tilghman school where Prez now teaches. Parenti sees how out of control the sixth-grade students are when they move between classes and accepts Colvin's suggestion.
visits Michael's house on the way to school. He finds Michael preparing his younger brother, Bug. Duquan "Dukie" Weems joins them as they walk down the street. Randy gives Dukie the lunch that his foster mother packed for him.
They call for Namond Brice
and his mother, De'Londa, answers the door in her robe. Namond calls the boys in to show them drawings someone in prison made for his father, Wee-Bey Brice
. De'Londa refuses to allow Dukie into the house. Namond hopes to get a tattoo of one of the drawings. Michael tells Namond that the Chinese symbols included with the drawings may not mean what the man claimed.
When the boys arrive at school they discuss their new home room teachers. Randy is in trainee math teacher Roland "Prez" Pryzbylewski's class; he is happy because Prez is new and white, and thus will be out of his depth. Namond is with Mrs. Scott, whom he dislikes. Michael is left behind as he readies Bug for the lower school. Dukie finds a broken battery-operated fan on the curb and picks it up.
Assistant principal Marcia Donnelly waits at the main entrance to greet her charges. She instructs them about their homerooms. Namond teases one of the security officers, drawing Donnelly's attention. She insists he remove his football jersey and jewelry. Prez waits for his homeroom class and tries to get them to follow a seating chart. Randy introduces himself to Prez with a handshake. Prez has trouble getting the class's attention until Randy intervenes on his behalf. Prez tries to joke with the class about his name but they are unresponsive. He has little time to get to know his homeroom students. He begins to hand out bus passes, not realizing the children have ignored his seating plan. When his mistake comes to light, he tries to collect the passes back. Randy takes the opportunity to ask for a hall pass for the bathroom. The bell rings and the children begin to leave without giving the bus passes back to Prez. Distracted, Prez tells Randy to take a hall pass and he leaves with several. The eighth grade head teacher, Mrs. Samson, intervenes on Prez's behalf and the passes are quickly returned.
Later Prez teaches Michael, Dukie and Namond's class. The girl who sat next to Dukie, Chiquan, asks to move because he smells. Prez urges her to show more compassion, but she is remorseless and moves to the back of the room. Prez tries to get the class interested in a time/speed/distance problem involving driving to Philadelphia. Namond, Kareem and others focus on the details of his example scenario and use it to start jokes. Chiquan harasses a girl named Laetitia by reflecting light in her eyes using a wristwatch. This causes a fight and Prez steps in to try to break it up. As soon as the grade head steps in, the children respond.
Randy spends his lunch break changing uniforms so that he can go into the cafeteria with other grades unnoticed. He sells them snacks and builds his customer base by offering discounts and taking special orders. While Randy plies his trade, Dukie sits alone, tinkering with the discarded electric fan.
Prez continues to have difficulty teaching his problem to his afternoon classes. Children who want to learn are distracted by others who continue to disrupt the class. As he tidies up at the end of the first day, he finds notes on his problem showing that at least one student was following it. This lifts his mood until he finds a profane graffito about himself on one of his desks. The children refer to him as Prezbo because they cannot pronounce his name.
Prez tries a different example the next day — a rocket ship. By moving outside of the children's realities they are less able to make jokes about the example. He still fails to get an answer to a simple question from many of his students, including Darnell and Chiquan. When he calls upon Randy, he is able to answer correctly. Laetitia plays with a box cutter at her desk throughout the lesson, and after a comment by Chiquan, Laetitia attacks Chiquan with it, deeply cutting her face. Prez is shocked and Laetitia threatens him too. Mrs. Samson intervenes, slapping and disarming the student, and sends Crystal Judkins to call for an ambulance. She comforts Chiquan and tries to stop her bleeding. Dukie approaches the disarmed Laetitia and gives her the now functional electric fan.
the WIRE is the student-run College radio station at the University of Oklahoma, broadcasting in a freeform format. The WIRE serves the University of Oklahoma and surrounding communities, and is staffed by student DJs. The WIRE broadcasts at 1710 kHz AM in Norman, Oklahoma...
. Written by Richard Price
Richard Price (writer)
Richard Price is an American novelist and screenwriter, known for the books The Wanderers and Clockers.-Early life:...
from a story by Ed Burns
Ed Burns
Ed Burns is a producer, screenwriter, and novelist. He has worked closely with writing partner David Simon. They have collaborated on The Corner and The Wire . Burns is a former Baltimore police detective for the Homicide and Narcotics divisions, and a public school teacher...
& Richard Price, and directed by Seith Mann
Seith Mann
Seith Mann is an American Film and Television Director. He directed the award-winning Five Deep Breaths and has gone on to direct for The Wire, Grey's Anatomy, and Fringe.-Biography:...
, it originally aired on September 24, 2006.
Title reference
The title refers to the home room classes as the children begin the new school year. Also, this episode shows the home lives of both Omar Little and Jimmy McNulty. In this episode, Kima Greggs and Lester Freamon also search for homes in the police department.Epigraph
Namond Brice remarking (ironically) how people tend to be more friendly than usual on the first day of school. The epigraph could also be a reference to Lieutenant Marimow's first day as commander of the Major Crimes Unit.Miscellanea
- Renaldo is shown reading the novel Drama City by George PelecanosGeorge PelecanosGeorge P. Pelecanos is a Greek-American author. Many of his works are in the genre of detective fiction and set primarily in his hometown of Washington, D.C. He is also a film and television producer and a television writer...
(a writer for the show). - Andre asks Detective Greggs if she is "one of them half-soulAfrican AmericanAfrican Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have at least partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa and are the direct descendants of enslaved Africans within the boundaries of the present United States...
, half-Chinese types." Though Kima has never been explicitly identified as mixed-race, actress Sonja Sohn's parents are African-American and Korean-American. - As the students enter the building on their first day, Marcia Donnelly instructs them not to go "up the down staircase", a likely reference by the writers to the novel of the same nameUp the Down StaircaseUp the Down Staircase is a humorous novel written by Bel Kaufman, and published in 1965.-Plot summary:The plot revolves around Sylvia Barrett, an idealistic English teacher at an inner-city high school who hopes to nurture her students' interest in classic literature and writing...
, which deals with high school bureaucracy's compromising effects on a teacher's idealism. - Michael suggests that Chinese characters shown by Namond BriceNamond BriceNamond Brice is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Julito McCullum. Namond is the son of Wee-Bey Brice and De'Londa Brice and was a middle school pupil during season 4. He is friends with Michael Lee and Randy Wagstaff and often bullies Duquan "Dukie" Weems...
are misidentified, which turns out to be true. When Namond points to the character for "lion" it is actually "heart" (xin, 心), and for "heart" it is actually "tiger" (hu, 虎). - After "interviewing" the 18 year-old from the street in the holding cell, Bunny is sitting outside with Carver and the academic by a sign that reads "Holding Cell for Western Police Officer's Only!...No Exceptions."
Starring cast
Although credited, Deidre Lovejoy, Andre RoyoAndre Royo
Andre Royo is an American actor. He is best known for his role as "Bubbles" in The Wire , and has had guest starring appearances in Fringe, Party Down, and How To Make It In America.-Career:...
, and Chad L. Coleman do not appear in this episode.
Guest stars
- Amy RyanAmy RyanAmy Ryan is an American actress. She has been nominated for an Academy Award and Golden Globe for her performance in Gone Baby Gone and is also known for her roles in the HBO series The Wire, playing Port Authority Officer Beadie Russell; In Treatment, playing psychiatrist Adele Brousse; and The...
as Beatrice "Beadie" RussellBeadie RussellBeatrice "Beadie" Russell is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actress Amy Ryan. She was featured prominently in the second season, after she discovered thirteen corpses in a container on the Baltimore docks.... - Jermaine CrawfordJermaine CrawfordJermaine Crawford is an actor best known for appearing on the HBO original series The Wire as Duquan "Dukie" Weems. He is a cousin to fellow Wire castmember and actor Tristan Wilds....
as Duquan "Dukie" Weems - Maestro HarrellMaestro HarrellMaestro Harrell is an American actor who starred on the HBO original series The Wire as Randy Wagstaff. He was also on the NBC drama ER on April 26, 2007....
as Randy WagstaffRandy WagstaffRandy Wagstaff is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Maestro Harrell. Randy is an enterprising student who is dependent on social services. During season 4, he was an 8th grade pupil at Edward Tilghman Middle School and is friends with Namond Brice, Michael Lee and Duquan... - Julito McCullumJulito McCullumJulito McCullum is an American actor of Afro-Colombian descent best known for his role as Namond Brice on the HBO series The Wire. Currently lives in Staten Island....
as Namond BriceNamond BriceNamond Brice is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Julito McCullum. Namond is the son of Wee-Bey Brice and De'Londa Brice and was a middle school pupil during season 4. He is friends with Michael Lee and Randy Wagstaff and often bullies Duquan "Dukie" Weems... - Tristan WildsTristan WildsTristan Paul Mack Wilds is an American actor. He is best known for his roles as Michael Lee on the HBO original drama series The Wire and as Dixon Wilson on the CW drama series 90210.-Life and career:...
as Michael LeeMichael Lee (The Wire)Michael Lee is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Tristan Wilds. He is a middle school pupil and is friends with Namond Brice, Randy Wagstaff and Duquan "Dukie" Weems. He is more soft-spoken than his friends, and appears to have a leadership role among his peers... - Gbenga AkinnagbeGbenga AkinnagbeGbenga Akinnagbe is an American actor, best known for his role as Chris Partlow on the HBO original series The Wire.-Early life:...
as Chris PartlowChris PartlowChris Partlow is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Gbenga Akinnagbe. Partlow is Marlo Stanfield's best friend, bodyguard, and second-in-command in his drug dealing operation. Despite his quiet demeanor, Partlow commits more on- and off-screen murders than any other... - Robert F. ChewRobert F. ChewRobert F. Chew is an American actor from Baltimore, Maryland. He starred in the HBO television drama series The Wire as manipulative drug kingpin Proposition Joe on all five seasons of the show...
as Proposition JoeProposition JoeJoseph "Proposition Joe" Stewart is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire played by actor Robert F. Chew. Joe is an Eastside drug kingpin who preferred a peaceful solution to business disputes when possible... - Anwan GloverAnwan GloverRalph Anwan Glover is an American actor and musician. He is one of the founding members of the Backyard Band, a go-go band, as well as appearing as gang member Slim Charles in the HBO series The Wire. He has also appeared in music videos, such as Boyz n da Hood's "Dem Boyz" among others, and has a...
as Slim CharlesSlim CharlesSlim Charles is a fictional member of the drug trade in the HBO drama The Wire, played by Anwan Glover. An enforcer for the Barksdale Organization and later the top lieutenant of kingpin Proposition Joe Stewart, he shows integrity, loyalty and competence throughout his career.The saga of the... - Melvin WilliamsMelvin Williams (actor)Melvin D. Williams , known as Little Melvin, is a former drug trafficker and organized crime figure in his native Baltimore, Maryland. Williams is widely known for his involvement in heroin trafficking in Baltimore in the 1970s and 1980s...
as Deacon - Tootsie DuvallTootsie DuvallTootsie Duvall is an American film, theatre and television actress.-Career:...
as Assistant Principal Marcia Donnelly - Dravon James as Mrs. Grace Sampson
- Dan DeLuca as Dr. David Parenti
- Boris McGiver as Lieutenant Charlie Marimow
- Gene Terinoni as Lieutenant Jimmy Asher
- Daniel Lee Robertson. III as Shaun Williams
- Maria Broom as Marla Daniels
- Brandy BurreBrandy BurreBrandy Burre was born on September 27, 1974 in Sandusky, Ohio. She earned her Master's degree in acting at Ohio University, and has performed on the stage in addition to her work in film and television. She is best known for her portrayal of Theresa D'Agostino on the HBO series The Wire.-External...
as Theresa D'Agostino - Cleo Reginald Pizana as Chief of Staff Coleman Parker
- Frederick Strother as State Delegate Odell Watkins
- Tiffani Aisha Holland as Chiquan
- Alfonso Christian Lover as Old Face Andre
- Charmaine McPhee as Laetitia
- Ramón Rodríguez as Renaldo
Uncredited appearances
- Doug RobertsDoug Roberts (Actor)Doug Roberts is a film and television actor from the Baltimore, Maryland, area. He has worked with some of Baltimore's best known directors, including John Waters and Barry Levinson....
as State's Attorney Steven Demper - Sandi McCree as De'Londa Brice
- Felicia PearsonFelicia PearsonFelicia Pearson is an American actress, author, and rapper. She is best known for playing a character of the same name, Felicia "Snoop" Pearson, on The Wire. She wrote a memoir titled Grace After Midnight.-Biography:Pearson was born to two incarcerated drug addicts and raised in an East Baltimore...
as Snoop - Destiny Jackson-Evans as Crystal Judkins
- Jeffrey Lorenzo as Karim Williams
- Davone Cooper as Darnell Tyson
- Jason Wharton as Albert Stokes
- Corbin Smith as Monell
- Keenon Brice as Bug
- Rakiya Orange as Charlene Young
- Darrell M. SmithDarrell M. SmithDarrell M. Smith is an American entrepreneur, businessman, producer and actor.-Career:He studied at Stella Adler, the drama school where actors like Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro went, in New York City for a few years. After finishing his studies he went on to do numerous off-broadway plays,...
as School Officer Turner - Nitian Adsul as Indian Shop Owner
- Tamieka Chavis as Royce's Assistant
- Ed Moran as Hotel House Detective
- Clay Steakley as Assistant Hotel Manager
- Tyrell Baker as Little Kevin
- Troj Strickland as Fat-Face Rick
- Duane Chandler Rawlings as Hungry Man
- Unknown as Kintell Williamson
- Unknown as Reesy
- Unknown as Jack - Beadie's Son
- Unknown as Cary - Beadie's Daughter
- Unknown as Kwanese
- Unknown as Paul
- Unknown as Tyrell
Mayor Clarence RoyceClarence Royce
Clarence V. Royce is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Glynn Turman-Biography:Mayor of Baltimore Clarence V. Royce is a deft political figure and is fixated on remaining in power. Royce is the incumbent Mayor of Baltimore who was elected into office in 1998 and is in the...
meets with police commissioner Ervin Burrell
Ervin Burrell
Ervin Burrell is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Frankie Faison. Burrell was an officer in the Baltimore Police Department who ascended from Deputy Commissioner of Operations to Commissioner over the course of the show...
to discuss his response to the murder of a witness. His opponent in the upcoming election, Tommy Carcetti
Tommy Carcetti
Thomas J. "Tommy" Carcetti is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Irish actor Aidan Gillen. Carcetti is an ambitious Baltimore politician who rises from a seat on the city council to the office of the Mayor of Baltimore, and to the office of the Governor of Maryland by the...
, had used it to score points against him in a debate and has received a bump in the polls. Burrell assures the mayor that they will downplay the case. Also present are Royce's Chief of Staff Coleman Parker, State Delegate Odell Watkins and State's Attorney Steven Demper. Royce decides to play a harder campaign now that Carcetti has gained on him. He orders Parker to spread the word that supporters contributing to both campaigns will be denied favors in his next term, and to use city resources to remove Carcetti's campaign material and sit on his offices looking for parking violations. He asks Burrell and Demper to go to the press and cover for him by downplaying the murder victim's role as a witness and taking any fallout on themselves. Demper worries how this will affect his own re-election campaign and Royce threatens to drop him from the mayoral ticket if he does not follow his orders. After Burrell and Demper leave, Watkins criticizes Royce. Watkins arranged funds for a witness protection scheme which Royce could have implemented by matching the funds from his own budget. Royce failed to do so and a witness is now dead. Because Carcetti was involved in planning the witness protection program Royce still refuses to let it go ahead because it would be a victory for his opponent.
Royce meets with Thomas "Herc" Hauk, the security detail officer who caught him receiving oral sex from his secretary. He takes an interest in Herc's career plans where Herc then confesses his desire to make sergeant, as he is currently 32nd on the list. Royce tells Herc that he thinks he is a good and loyal officer who could be doing better things than driving around politicians. Royce then phones Burrell on Herc's behalf requesting that his name be moved to the next available sergeant's posting. Herc says the assistance is unexpected and Royce's reply references the elephant in the room
Elephant in the room
"Elephant in the room" is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss....
: "Don't mention it." The promotion occurs in exactly the manner that Stan Valchek
Stanislaus Valchek
Stanislaus "Stan" Valchek is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Al Brown.-Biography:Valchek is the Polish-American commander of the Southeastern district, home to many of the remaining white ethnic neighborhoods in Baltimore...
predicted it would.
As Carcetti makes successful campaign calls, the Mayor's orders start to come into effect. Noisy construction work begins outside the campaign office and some of the campaign vehicles are being towed away. That night Carcetti attends the funeral of the murdered witness with his deputy campaign manager Norman Wilson. They are not the only politicians there — Watkins and prospective city council member Marla Daniels are also present. Watkins has phoned the press about the funeral. Carcetti awkwardly gives his condolences to the family. He greets Daniels and wishes her luck in his campaign against Eunetta Perkins in the eleventh district, telling her the council could use her. As he leaves the funeral home he refuses to talk to the press. Wilson urges him to use the opportunity for political theatre, but he notes that while he will have plenty of opportunities to grandstand for the press, appearing restrained will make a far stronger positive impression on Watkins and Daniels.
Bunk MorelandBunk Moreland
William "Bunk" Moreland is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Wendell Pierce. Bunk's character is based on a retired Baltimore City Police Detective named Rick Requer and nicknamed "the Bunk", an officer who joined the force in 1964 as a Western District patrolman who...
continues his search for Lex, a suspect in the murder of Fruit. He visits Jimmy McNulty
Jimmy McNulty
Detective James "Jimmy" McNulty is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by British actor Dominic West. McNulty is an Irish American detective in the Baltimore Police Department...
and Beadie Russell
Beadie Russell
Beatrice "Beadie" Russell is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actress Amy Ryan. She was featured prominently in the second season, after she discovered thirteen corpses in a container on the Baltimore docks....
's home for dinner. Beadie's children, Jack and Cary, are there as well. Bunk notices that the children have binders taken from the anti-terrorism briefing in "Boys of Summer
Boys of Summer (The Wire episode)
"Boys of Summer" is the first episode of the fourth season of the HBO original series The Wire. Written by David Simon from a story by David Simon & Ed Burns, and directed by Joe Chappelle, it originally aired on September 10, 2006.-Production:...
Bunk invites McNulty for a drink after dinner and Beadie encourages a reluctant McNulty to go with him. Bunk is disappointed that McNulty has cleaned up his drinking habits. Bunk uses the metaphor of lake trout to tell McNulty he is worried that he is trying to be something that he is not. McNulty tells him that sometimes things are what they seem.
Bodie's corner
Bodie BroadusBodie Broadus
Preston "Bodie" Broadus is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor J. D. Williams. Bodie is initially a Barksdale organization drug dealer in "The Pit" who slowly rises through the ranks...
gets a visit on his corner from Marlo Stanfield
Marlo Stanfield
Marlo "Black" Stanfield is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Jamie Hector. Stanfield is a young, ruthless and ambitious player in the Baltimore drug trade who gains control of West Baltimore and is the head of his own drug crew.-Character background and plot...
. Marlo is impressed that Bodie has turned a once quiet area into a thriving business but tries to hide it by pretending not to know Bodie's name. He has an ultimatum for him — start selling Marlo's (inferior) product, or leave the area so one of Marlo's crews can work the corner. He tells Bodie that Chris Partlow
Chris Partlow
Chris Partlow is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Gbenga Akinnagbe. Partlow is Marlo Stanfield's best friend, bodyguard, and second-in-command in his drug dealing operation. Despite his quiet demeanor, Partlow commits more on- and off-screen murders than any other...
will be back soon for his answer. Snoop is also with Marlo and casually appraises Bodie. Marlo recognizes Michael Lee
Michael Lee (The Wire)
Michael Lee is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Tristan Wilds. He is a middle school pupil and is friends with Namond Brice, Randy Wagstaff and Duquan "Dukie" Weems. He is more soft-spoken than his friends, and appears to have a leadership role among his peers...
, the boy who refused a handout from Marlo and is now working as a runner for Bodie. He asks Chris to find out more about Michael.
Bodie is also impressed with Michael. He notices that Michael stands up to the customers and refuses to be cheated out of more drugs than they paid for. Bodie tries to convince Michael to stay with his organization instead of going back to school. Bodie offers Michael an after-school job, but Michael walks away without answering.
Bodie meets with Slim Charles and tells him the news of Marlo's ultimatum. He has decided to fight Marlo's attempt to take over the corner even without any backup. Bodie refuses to listen to Slim Charles' advice.
New Day Co-Op
The Co-Op meets in a hotel conference room. They have two problems: Marlo is expanding his empire, and drug dealers from New York are encroaching on the territory in Eastern Baltimore. Fatface Rick suggests that the New York dealers are a larger problem because they are taking up more territory and undercutting the Baltimore dealers with lower prices. The co-op members agree to strike against them and Fatface Rick suggests including Marlo in the effort. They discuss Marlo's success at hiding bodies and Slim Charles explains the technique being used — hiding bodies in vacant row houses. Slim Charles warns Proposition JoeProposition Joe
Joseph "Proposition Joe" Stewart is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire played by actor Robert F. Chew. Joe is an Eastside drug kingpin who preferred a peaceful solution to business disputes when possible...
that he is unlikely to be successful negotiating with Marlo given that Stringer Bell
Stringer Bell
Russell "Stringer" Bell is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by English actor Idris Elba. Bell served as drug kingpin Avon Barksdale's second in command, assuming direct control of the Barksdale Organization during Avon's imprisonment...
failed to make him see reason.
Omar awakens with a jump because of a loud noise outside his window. He checks and sees it was just the garbage men. Putting on a robe he goes to make breakfast, but finds that his new boyfriend, Renaldo, has finished their cereal. Omar prepares to go out and buy more cereal and considers taking a gun with him but cannot find anywhere to hide it in his pajamas. As he makes his way to the convenience store, lookouts announce his progress and drug dealers flee. At the store he is disappointed that they carry only plain Cheerios instead of Honey Nut. On his way home he stops for a cigarette and a frightened drug dealer drops his stash from a window. When Omar returns home, Renaldo is impressed with the drugs but disappointed with the cereal. Omar reflects that he doesn't want the drugs because there was no effort required to take them. He worries that taking the easy targets will eventually make him soft.Omar and Renaldo stake out a potential target: a corner shop. Omar spots detective Kima Greggs
Kima Greggs
Detective Shakima "Kima" Greggs is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actress Sonja Sohn. Greggs is a police detective in the Baltimore Police Department who is a dedicated officer and capable detective with some off-the-job issues. Openly lesbian, she has had problems...
photographing the store owner, though she does not see him. Both observers notice the resupply being delivered by a man with a child in school uniform, the day before school starts. Greggs enters the store to look around and then leaves. Omar tells Renaldo that he respects Greggs as long as she stays out of their way. When she leaves, Omar says she needs more patience.
They continue to surveil the store until another resupply is delivered. Omar sends Renaldo in to steal it with an old gun. The store owner, Old Face Andre, notices Renaldo's low caliber weapon and tries to claim that the plexiglass surrounding his till is bulletproof. Omar steps in, fires through the glass, and demands the drugs. He buys a pack of cigarettes before he leaves and insists on receiving the correct change. Omar revels in seeing the look on Andre's face.
Major case unit
Greggs returns to the unit and discusses the stash at the corner shop with Lester FreamonLester Freamon
Lester Freamon is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Clarke Peters. Freamon is a detective in the Baltimore Police Department's Major Crimes Unit...
. Freamon has been working on the cell phone records of Old Face Andre based on the recorded call they have of him talking to Marlo Stanfield. They have tied him to Monk and Fruit, but Greggs doubts there will be a link directly to Marlo. Freamon hopes to tie Andre to Tote or Partlow. Lieutenant Asher leaves the office, telling the detectives he has to see the deputy commissioner. He asks them if they have gotten into something that might get the unit in trouble, but they assure him there isn't anything to worry about.
Deputy Commissioner William Rawls
William Rawls
William A. "Bill" Rawls is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor John Doman. Over the course of the series he ascends to the rank of Superintendent of the Maryland State Police.-Season 1:...
briefs Lieutenant Charles Marimow about taking over the major case unit. Marimow is concerned about the subpoenas the unit served against political figures. He tells him they will not be responded to before the election, and will thereafter be ignored. Asher arrives and Rawls relieves him of duty, pretending that he is happy with his work.
Marimow introduces himself to the unit with a speech. He tells them that he has worked his way up to the lieutenant grade and understands the street. He preaches cooperation, but more importantly, supervision. The detectives share worried looks as Marimow leaves them to consider their future.
Marimow holds an office meeting to discuss the Stanfield investigation. He notices Officer Massey's absence, and Leander Sydnor
Leander Sydnor
Leander Sydnor is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Corey Parker Robinson. Sydnor is a young, married Baltimore Police detective who was a member of the Barksdale detail and later worked in the Major Crimes Unit.-Season 1:...
explains that she worked a night shift and is not due during the day. Marimow tells them office meeting attendance is now mandatory. He asks about the suitability of Stanfield as a target. Freamon explains that Stanfield holds most of the drug corners in West Baltimore. Marimow says they will not focus on drug dealers who are not involved in murders and demands a minimum number of cases per month. He reminds them that the Barksdale case is closed and orders them to shut down the Stanfield wiretap. Freamon reminds him that the judge decides when the wiretap is finished. Marimow tells Freamon he will have to talk to Rawls.
Dismayed at the direction the unit is heading, Greggs meets with her old commander Major Cedric Daniels
Cedric Daniels
Cedric Daniels is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Lance Reddick. He is a well regarded officer in the department whose focus is on good police work and quality arrests...
to discuss a transfer. Daniels is now commander of the Western district and Greggs wants to come back to work for him. He urges her to pursue investigative work further and try to move up or at least laterally instead of moving down by coming back to a district.
Freamon meets with Rawls. Rawls admits a grudging respect for Freamon and anticipates him involving the judge. Rawls tacitly threatens Greggs and Sydnor's careers in order to control Freamon. Rawls tells Freamon he respects his effort and offers him a transfer back to homicide. Freamon accepts, desperate to get away from Marimow and Rawls asks him to consider it a favor.
Daniels also meets Rawls on Greggs' behalf. He asks Rawls to help Greggs find a new position and suggests homicide. Rawls tells Daniels that Freamon has taken the post but offers to "see who he doesn't love anymore" and transfer out another detective to make room for Greggs.
Howard "Bunny" Colvin gets a visit from the church deacon at his home. They discuss his new job as a hotel security manager. Colvin is comfortable with the pay, benefits and company car but does not get along with his new boss. Colvin's property is littered with political signs and posters that he is constantly having to clear away. The deacon has a new opportunity for Colvin; faculty at the University of Maryland School of Social Work have been awarded a grant to study repeat violent offenders and seek a street-wise agent to act as liaison to potential subjects. Colvin's name is known on the campus because of his efforts to deal with drug crime before his retirement, and the deacon has suggested the former major be given the position. Colvin claims that he is not interested because he has had his fill of academics trying to do good. The deacon departs leaving the offer open.At work Colvin is called to a hotel room where a prostitute has been beaten for attempting to steal from her client's wallet. He wants to arrest the man, Mr. Gurgin, for assault, and cuffs him. The man is a good customer of the hotel and the manager refuses to let him be arrested. Colvin releases him after the manager reminds him he is no longer a police officer.
Colvin visits the deacon, who immediately notices he no longer has the company car; Colvin has lost the hotel job. The deacon takes him to meet with the academic responsible for administrating the grant, Dr. David Parenti. Parenti plans to focus on a target group and try to prevent them from becoming repeat violent offenders. He hopes to enlist Colvin as a field researcher recruiting subjects for the study. Parenti aims for 18-to-21-year-olds, because there is a peak in violent behavior at that age. Outside the meeting, Colvin suggests that he cannot talk to Parenti without the deacon to "translate," but the deacon dismisses this concern. Colvin realizes that the target age is most likely too high. He discusses his salary with the deacon who warns him the rewards of the position are unlikely to be as good as he hopes.
Colvin visits his old district with Parenti to show him first-hand the behavior of 18-to-21 year-olds. Sergeant Carver allows them to interview one of the drug enforcement unit's prisoners, Shaun Williams. Williams is abusive and belligerent. Colvin asks him how he would react if his sister was beaten. Williams suggests violence, or having someone respond violently on his behalf. When Parenti suggests involving the police, Williams attacks the academic and Colvin is forced to restrain him while Parenti flees the interview. Colvin thanks Williams for "being you", as it graphically illustrated to Parenti the danger he was facing. Outside, Parenti acknowledges that young men in the age group he was targeting are probably "too seasoned," much to Colvin and Carver's amusement. Colvin suggests that they target middle school children.
Next, they visit the Edward Tilghman school where Prez now teaches. Parenti sees how out of control the sixth-grade students are when they move between classes and accepts Colvin's suggestion.
Randy WagstaffRandy Wagstaff
Randy Wagstaff is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Maestro Harrell. Randy is an enterprising student who is dependent on social services. During season 4, he was an 8th grade pupil at Edward Tilghman Middle School and is friends with Namond Brice, Michael Lee and Duquan...
visits Michael's house on the way to school. He finds Michael preparing his younger brother, Bug. Duquan "Dukie" Weems joins them as they walk down the street. Randy gives Dukie the lunch that his foster mother packed for him.
They call for Namond Brice
Namond Brice
Namond Brice is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Julito McCullum. Namond is the son of Wee-Bey Brice and De'Londa Brice and was a middle school pupil during season 4. He is friends with Michael Lee and Randy Wagstaff and often bullies Duquan "Dukie" Weems...
and his mother, De'Londa, answers the door in her robe. Namond calls the boys in to show them drawings someone in prison made for his father, Wee-Bey Brice
Wee-Bey Brice
Roland "Wee-Bey" Brice is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Hassan Johnson. Wee-Bey was the Barksdale Organization's most trusted soldier before being sentenced to life imprisonment for multiple homicides....
. De'Londa refuses to allow Dukie into the house. Namond hopes to get a tattoo of one of the drawings. Michael tells Namond that the Chinese symbols included with the drawings may not mean what the man claimed.
When the boys arrive at school they discuss their new home room teachers. Randy is in trainee math teacher Roland "Prez" Pryzbylewski's class; he is happy because Prez is new and white, and thus will be out of his depth. Namond is with Mrs. Scott, whom he dislikes. Michael is left behind as he readies Bug for the lower school. Dukie finds a broken battery-operated fan on the curb and picks it up.
Assistant principal Marcia Donnelly waits at the main entrance to greet her charges. She instructs them about their homerooms. Namond teases one of the security officers, drawing Donnelly's attention. She insists he remove his football jersey and jewelry. Prez waits for his homeroom class and tries to get them to follow a seating chart. Randy introduces himself to Prez with a handshake. Prez has trouble getting the class's attention until Randy intervenes on his behalf. Prez tries to joke with the class about his name but they are unresponsive. He has little time to get to know his homeroom students. He begins to hand out bus passes, not realizing the children have ignored his seating plan. When his mistake comes to light, he tries to collect the passes back. Randy takes the opportunity to ask for a hall pass for the bathroom. The bell rings and the children begin to leave without giving the bus passes back to Prez. Distracted, Prez tells Randy to take a hall pass and he leaves with several. The eighth grade head teacher, Mrs. Samson, intervenes on Prez's behalf and the passes are quickly returned.
Later Prez teaches Michael, Dukie and Namond's class. The girl who sat next to Dukie, Chiquan, asks to move because he smells. Prez urges her to show more compassion, but she is remorseless and moves to the back of the room. Prez tries to get the class interested in a time/speed/distance problem involving driving to Philadelphia. Namond, Kareem and others focus on the details of his example scenario and use it to start jokes. Chiquan harasses a girl named Laetitia by reflecting light in her eyes using a wristwatch. This causes a fight and Prez steps in to try to break it up. As soon as the grade head steps in, the children respond.
Randy spends his lunch break changing uniforms so that he can go into the cafeteria with other grades unnoticed. He sells them snacks and builds his customer base by offering discounts and taking special orders. While Randy plies his trade, Dukie sits alone, tinkering with the discarded electric fan.
Prez continues to have difficulty teaching his problem to his afternoon classes. Children who want to learn are distracted by others who continue to disrupt the class. As he tidies up at the end of the first day, he finds notes on his problem showing that at least one student was following it. This lifts his mood until he finds a profane graffito about himself on one of his desks. The children refer to him as Prezbo because they cannot pronounce his name.
Prez tries a different example the next day — a rocket ship. By moving outside of the children's realities they are less able to make jokes about the example. He still fails to get an answer to a simple question from many of his students, including Darnell and Chiquan. When he calls upon Randy, he is able to answer correctly. Laetitia plays with a box cutter at her desk throughout the lesson, and after a comment by Chiquan, Laetitia attacks Chiquan with it, deeply cutting her face. Prez is shocked and Laetitia threatens him too. Mrs. Samson intervenes, slapping and disarming the student, and sends Crystal Judkins to call for an ambulance. She comforts Chiquan and tries to stop her bleeding. Dukie approaches the disarmed Laetitia and gives her the now functional electric fan.
First appearances
- Old Face Andre: Westside corner store owner who operates a drug package for Marlo StanfieldMarlo StanfieldMarlo "Black" Stanfield is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Jamie Hector. Stanfield is a young, ruthless and ambitious player in the Baltimore drug trade who gains control of West Baltimore and is the head of his own drug crew.-Character background and plot...
out of his store. - Lieutenant Charlie Marimow: caustic commander with a reputation as a "unit killer" who is the replacement commander of the Major Case Unit.
- Dr. David Parenti: University of Maryland academic who is planning a pilot study targeting repeat violent offenders.
- Albert Stokes: a short, overweight, and foul mouthed eighth grade student in Prez's late math class.
- Darnell Tyson: eighth grade student in Prez's math class with a drinking problem.
- Karim Williams: eighth grade student in Prez's math class who is friends with Randy and Namond.
- Renaldo: Omar's new boyfriend.