Honkytonk Homeslice
Honkytonk Homeslice is a band created by The String Cheese Incident frontman Bill Nershi
Bill Nershi
Bill Nershi was a founding member and acoustic guitarist in The String Cheese Incident, a US jamband from Boulder, Colorado....

. The band consists of Bill Nershi, his wife Jilian Nershi, and singer-songwriter, Scott Law. Honkytonk Homeslice began in the summer of 2004, when the trio was singing and playing at their campsite at Horning's Hideout, during a String Cheese-sponsored music festival in Oregon.
The band says they are "drawing on the whole history of bluegrass, old time music, pre-Nashville country, the psychedelic country music of Gram Parsons
Gram Parsons
Gram Parsons was an American singer, songwriter, guitarist and pianist. Parsons is best known for his work within the country genre; he also mixed blues, folk, and rock to create what he called "Cosmic American Music"...

 and Emmylou Harris
Emmylou Harris
Emmylou Harris is an American singer-songwriter and musician. In addition to her work as a solo artist and bandleader, both as an interpreter of other composers' works and as a singer-songwriter, she is a sought-after backing vocalist and duet partner, working with numerous other artists including...

, even a few String Cheese and Talking Heads
Talking Heads
Talking Heads were an American New Wave and avant-garde band formed in 1975 in New York City and active until 1991. The band comprised David Byrne, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth and Jerry Harrison...


Their self-titled debut CD contains thirteen songs of acoustic Americana music. This album is a return to roots for Bill Nershi, who says "this band takes the music back to the kind of shows SCI did when it began."
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