Horace Hearne Institute
The Horace Hearne Jr. Institute for Theoretical Physics is at Louisiana State University
. The Hearne Institute is funded by a donation of two endowed chairs by Horace Hearne Jr. and the State of Louisiana, as well as additional grants from a variety of national and international granting agencies. It currently has as co-directors Jonathan Dowling
and Jorge Pullin
. The institute hosts faculty, postdoctoral researchers, students — as well as long- and short-term visitors — who conduct research on quantum technologies and on gravitational physics. The Hearne Institute also sponsors international workshops on quantum information theory, quantum technologies, relativity and quantum gravity.
A Selection of Recent Publications:
Louisiana State University
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, most often referred to as Louisiana State University, or LSU, is a public coeducational university located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The University was founded in 1853 in what is now known as Pineville, Louisiana, under the name...
. The Hearne Institute is funded by a donation of two endowed chairs by Horace Hearne Jr. and the State of Louisiana, as well as additional grants from a variety of national and international granting agencies. It currently has as co-directors Jonathan Dowling
Jonathan Dowling
Jonathan P. Dowling is a Co-Director of the Horace Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics, and also a Hearne Chair in Theoretical Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, both at Louisiana State University...
and Jorge Pullin
Jorge Pullin
Jorge Pullin is the Horace Hearne Chair in theoretical Physics at the Louisiana State University, known for his work on black hole collisions and quantum gravity.-Biography:...
. The institute hosts faculty, postdoctoral researchers, students — as well as long- and short-term visitors — who conduct research on quantum technologies and on gravitational physics. The Hearne Institute also sponsors international workshops on quantum information theory, quantum technologies, relativity and quantum gravity.
The institute has made several contributions to physics that have been mentioned in the media and several of the institute member have gathered honors due to professional contributions. (See the Institute News page, below for details.)
External links
International Workshops and Conferences Sponsored by the Hearne Institute
- Hearne Institute Inaugural Conference
- International Workshop on Linear Optical Quantum Information Processing (LOQuIP)
- NSF Workshop on Quantum, Molecular and High Performance Modeling and Simulation for Devices and Systems
- Quantum Gravity in the Southern Cone IV
Scientific Journal Publications by the Hearne Institute
A Selection of Recent Publications:
- Wilde, MM; Spedalieri, F; Dowling, JP; et al. Alternate scheme for optical cluster-state generation without number-resolving photon detectors INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION, 5 (4): 617-626 AUG 2007
- Jacobs, K; Lougovski, P Emergent quantum jumps in a nano-electro-mechanical system JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL, 40 (46): F987-F993 NOV 16 2007
- Cable, H; Dowling, JP Efficient generation of large number-path entanglement using only linear optics and feed-forward PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 99 (16): Art. No. 163604 OCT 19 2007
- Dowling, JP Quantum optics - Kittens catch phase NATURE, 450 (7168): 362-363 NOV 15 2007
- Lougovski, P; Casagrande, F; Lulli, A; et al. Strongly driven one-atom laser and decoherence monitoring PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 76 (3): Art. No. 033802 SEP 2007
- Florescu, M; Lee, H; Puscasu, I; et al. Improving solar cell efficiency using photonic band-gap materials SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 91 (17): 1599-1610 OCT 15 2007
- Durkin, GA; Dowling, JP Local and global distinguishability in quantum interferometry PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 99 (7): Art. No. 070801 AUG 17 2007
- Zink, B; Stergioulas, N; Hawke, I; et al. Nonaxisymmetric instability and fragmentation of general relativistic quasitoroidal stars PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 76 (2): Art. No. 024019 JUL 2007
- Kapale, KT; Dowling, JP Bootstrapping approach for generating maximally path-entangled photon states PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 99 (5): Art. No. 053602 AUG 3 2007
- Jacobs, K; Lund, P Feedback control of nonlinear quantum systems: A rule of thumb PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 99 (2): Art. No. 020501 JUL 13 2007
- Gambini, R; Porto, RA; Pullin, J Fundamental decoherence from quantum gravity: a pedagogical review GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION, 39 (8): 1143-1156 AUG 2007
- Campiglia, M; Gambini, R; Pullin, J Loop quantization of spherically symmetric midi-superspaces CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, 24 (14): 3649-3672 JUL 21 2007
- Shizume, K; Jacobs, K; Burgarth, D; et al. Quantum communication via a continuously monitored dual spin chain PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 75 (6): Art. No. 062328 JUN 2007
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Relational physics with real rods and clocks and the measurement problem of quantum mechanics FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS, 37 (7): 1074-1092 JUL 2007
- Jacobs, K; Lougovski, P; Blencowe, M Continuous measurement of the energy eigenstates of a nanomechanical resonator without a nondemolition probe PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 98 (14): Art. No. 147201 APR 6 2007
- Gambini, R; Porto, RA; Pullin, J Fundamental spatio-temporal decoherence: A key to solving the conceptual problems of black holes, cosmology and quantum mechanics INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, 15 (12): 2181-2185 DEC 2006
- Kok, P; Munro, WJ; Nemoto, K; et al. Linear optical quantum computing with photonic qubits REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, 79 (1): 135-174 JAN-MAR 2007
- Kapale, KT Polarization preserving quantum nondemolition photodetector JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 54 (2-3): 327-335 JAN 20 2007
- Agarwal, GS; Chan, KW; Boyd, RW; et al. Quantum states of light produced by a high-gain optical parametric amplifier for use in quantum lithography JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, 24 (2): 270-274 FEB 2007
- Dotti, G; Gleiser, RJ; Pullin, J Instability of charged and rotating naked singularities PHYSICS LETTERS B, 644 (5-6): 289-293 JAN 25 2007
- Jacobs, K; Steck, DA A straightforward introduction to continuous quantum measurement CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS, 47 (5): 279-303 SEP-OCT 2006
- Campiglia, M; Di Bartolo, C; Gambini, R; et al. Uniform discretizations: A new approach for the quantization of totally constrained systems PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 74 (12): Art. No. 124012 DEC 2006
- Jacobs, K; Dowling, JP Concatenated beam splitters, optical feed-forward, and the nonlinear sign gate PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 74 (6): Art. No. 064304 DEC 2006
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Consistent discretization and canonical, classical and quantum Regge calculus INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, 15 (10): 1699-1706 OCT 2006
- Agarwal, GS; Kapale, KT Subwavelength atom localization via coherent population trapping JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 39 (17): 3437-3446 SEP 14 2006
- Steck, DA; Jacobs, K; Mabuchi, H; et al. Feedback cooling of atomic motion in cavity QED PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 74 (1): Art. No. 012322 JUL 2006
- Gambini, R; Olson, SJ; Pullin, J Unified model of loop quantum gravity and matter GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION, 38 (4): 593-598 APR 2006
- Guillaume, A; Dowling, JP Heisenberg-limited measurements with superconducting circuits PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 73 (4): Art. No. 040304 APR 2006
- Han, MX; Ma, YG Dynamics of a scalar field in a polymer-like representation CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, 23 (7): 2741-2760 APR 7 2006
- Han, MX; Ma, YG Master constraint operators in loop quantum gravity PHYSICS LETTERS B, 635 (4): 225-231 APR 13 2006
- Anderson, M; Lehner, L; Pullin, J Arbitrary black-string deformations in the black-string-black-hole transitions PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 73 (6): Art. No. 064011 MAR 2006
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Classical and quantum general relativity: A new paradigm INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, 14 (12): 2355-2360 DEC 2005
- Dowling, JP Quantum information - To compute or not to compute? NATURE, 439 (7079): 919-920 FEB 23 2006
- Spedalieri, FM; Lee, H; Dowling, JP High-fidelity linear optical quantum computing with polarization encoding PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 73 (1): Art. No. 012334 JAN 2006
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Classical and quantum general relativity: A new paradigm GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION, 37 (10): 1689-1694 OCT 2005
- Kapale, KT; Dowling, JP Vortex phase qubit: Generating arbitrary, counterrotating, coherent superpositions in bose-einstein condensates via optical angular momentum beams PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 95 (17): Art. No. 173601 OCT 21 2005
- Sun, QQ; Rostovtsev, YV; Dowling, JP; et al. Optically controlled delays for broadband pulses PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 72 (3): Art. No. 031802 SEP 2005
- Florescu, M; Lee, H; Stimpson, AJ; et al. Thermal emission and absorption of radiation in finite inverted-opal photonic crystals PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 72 (3): Art. No. 033821 SEP 2005
- Gambini, R; Ponce, M; Pullin, J Consistent discretizations: The gowdy spacetimes PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 72 (2): Art. No. 024031 JUL 2005
- Gambini, R; Porto, RA; Pullin, J Fundamental decoherence in quantum gravity BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 35 (2A): 266-270 JUN 2005
- Florescu, M; Scheel, S; Haffner, HH; et al. Single photons on demand from 3D photonic band-gap structures EUROPHYSICS LETTERS, 69 (6): 945-951 MAR 2005
- Di Bartolo, C; Gambini, R; Pullin, J Consistent and mimetic discretizations in general relativity JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 46 (3): Art. No. 032501 MAR 2005
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Consistent discretization and loop quantum geometry PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 94 (10): Art. No. 101302 MAR 18 2005
- Gambini, R; Porto, RA; Pullin, J No black hole information puzzle in a relational universe INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, 13 (10): 2315-2320 DEC 2004
- Di Bartolo, C; Gambini, R; Porto, RA; et al. Dirac-type approach for consistent discretizations of classical constrained theories JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 46 (1): Art. No. 012901 JAN 2005
- Gambini, R; Porto, RA; Pullin, J Fundamental decoherence from relational time in discrete quantum gravity: Galilean covariance PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 70 (12): Art. No. 124001 DEC 2004
- Gambini, R; Porto, RA; Pullin, J Realistic clocks, universal decoherence, and the black hole information paradox PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 93 (24): Art. No. 240401 DEC 10 2004
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Canonical quantum gravity and consistent discretizations PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 63 (4): 755-763 Sp. Iss. SI OCT 2004
- Gambini, R; Porto, RA; Pullin, J Loss of quantum coherence from discrete quantum gravity CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, 21 (8): L51-L57 APR 21 2004
- Gambini, R; Porto, RA; Pullin, J A relational solution to the problem of time in quantum mechanics and quantum gravity: a fundamental mechanism for quantum decoherence NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 6: Art. No. 45 APR 14 2004
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Discrete quantum gravity: A mechanism for selecting the value of fundamental constants INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, 12 (9): 1775-1781 OCT 2003
- Calabrese, G; Lehner, L; Neilsen, D; et al. Novel finite-differencing techniques for numerical relativity: application to black-hole excision CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, 20 (20): L245-L251 OCT 21 2003
- Calabrese, G; Pullin, J; Reula, O; et al. Well posed constraint-preserving boundary conditions for the linearized Einstein equations COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 240 (1-2): 377-395 SEP 2003
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Discrete quantum gravity: cosmological examples CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, 20 (15): 3341-3364 AUG 7 2003
- Lopez-Aleman, R; Khanna, G; Pullin, J Perturbative evolution of particle orbits around Kerr black holes: time-domain calculation CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, 20 (14): 3259-3268 JUL 21 2003
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Canonical quantization of general relativity in discrete space-times PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 90 (2): Art. No. 021301 JAN 17 2003
- Di Bartolo, C; Gambini, R; Pullin, J Canonical quantization of constrained theories on discrete spacetime lattices CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, 19 (21): 5275-5296 NOV 7 2002
- Sarbach, O; Calabrese, G; Pullin, J; et al. Hyperbolicity of the Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura system of Einstein evolution equations PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 66 (6): Art. No. 064002 SEP 15 2002
- Calabrese, G; Pullin, J; Sarbach, O; et al. Stability properties of a formulation of Einstein's equations PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 66 (6): Art. No. 064011 SEP 15 2002
- Calabrese, G; Pullin, J; Sarbach, O; et al. Convergence and stability in numerical relativity PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 66 (4): Art. No. 041501 AUG 15 2002
- Gambini, R; Pullin, J Finite spin-foam-based theory of three- and four-dimensional quantum gravity PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 66 (2): Art. No. 024020 JUL 15 2002
- Gleiser, RJ; Khanna, G; Pullin, J Perturbative evolution of conformally flat initial data for a single boosted black hole PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 66 (2): Art. No. 024035 JUL 15 2002
- Sarbach, O; Tiglio, M; Pullin, J Close limit evolution of Kerr-Schild type initial data for binary black holes PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 65 (6): Art. No. 064026 MAR 15 2002