House Taken Over
"House Taken Over" is a 1944 short story by Argentine writer Julio Cortázar
Julio Cortázar
Julio Cortázar, born Jules Florencio Cortázar, was an Argentine writer. Cortázar, known as one of the founders of the Latin American Boom, influenced an entire generation of Spanish speaking readers and writers in the Americas and Europe.-Early life:Cortázar's parents, Julio José Cortázar and...

. It was originally published in Los anales de Buenos Aires, a literary magazine edited by Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo , known as Jorge Luis Borges , was an Argentine writer, essayist, poet and translator born in Buenos Aires. In 1914 his family moved to Switzerland where he attended school, receiving his baccalauréat from the Collège de Genève in 1918. The family...

, but later added to his book Bestiario
Bestiario is a book of 8 short stories written by Julio Cortázar.-Stories:* “Casa tomada”* “Carta a una señorita en París”* “Lejana”* “Ómnibus”* “Cefalea”* “Circe”* “Las puertas del cielo”* “Bestiario”...


It tells the story of an aging brother and sister living together in their ancestral home which is being "taken over" by unknown entities. It starts in a realist manner and it slowly introduces a scene in which natural laws are distorted. The mystery that revolves around what those entities can be interpreted in several ways, and this also makes the genre of the story vary (fantastic, psychological, magic realism, etc.).
Among the resources that are frequent in Cortázar's story, graphic signs (such as parenthesis) are used to reflect censorship. The writer based the house on one located in the city of Chivilcoy
Chivilcoy is a city in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, the head town of the Chivilcoy Partido. It has 60,762 inhabitants according to the ....

 in the Province of Buenos Aires, which can still be found in the streets Suipacha and Necochea.


A brother and sister are introduced, both in their mid-forties. Each have faced difficulties in their adult lives, the brother (the narrator) having lost his fiance long ago, and the sister (Irene) having denied many suitors who sought her hand in marriage. Inheriting their parent's home, they live a quiet, usually mundane, domestic existence.

After describing the estate and their morning routine of chores in great detail, the narrator develops their interests; Irene knits clothing all day, unraveling her work the moment it does not please her. Many garments are stored in various parts of the house only to become moth food, as she has no plans to sell or wear them. The narrator explains that he collects French literature; while he buys Irene wool, he visits bookstores, though each attempt is futile.

Usually, their home is silent. When the siblings hear noises in the various rooms of the house, they grow frightened and solemn. The noises restrict them to smaller sections in which they can reside. The narrator happily points out that there is less cleaning to do, but regrets that once "they've taken over", neither he or his sister can retrieve their personal belongings.

Eventually, the narrator hears "them" take over "our section". Hurriedly, the siblings leave empty handed, locking the front door and tossing the key into the sewer.

The noises are never directly revealed leaving the reader is left wondering possible causes for the event.
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