Husayn al-Shami
Husayn al-Shami is the head of Bayt al-Mal
Bayt al-Mal
Hezbollah Bayt al-Mal, AKA Hezbollah Bayt al-Mal Lil Muslimeen, is a Hezbollah-controlled organization that performs financial services for the organization. In Arabic, the term is used as "House of Money."...

 and a senior Hezbollah leader who has served as a member of Hezbollah's Shura Council and as the head of several Hezbollah-controlled organizations, including the Islamic Resistance Support Organization
Islamic Resistance Support Organization
Islamic Resistance Support Association officially known in or Hay'at Da'am al-Muqawama al-Islamiya fi Lubnan is a Hezbollah charity fund used to fundraise for the group, and to pay for the services it offers in Lebanon....

. Shami is also responsible for foreign donations to Hezbollah fundraising organizations.
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