Hymn of Valledupar
Spanish language
Spanish , also known as Castilian , is a Romance language in the Ibero-Romance group that evolved from several languages and dialects in central-northern Iberia around the 9th century and gradually spread with the expansion of the Kingdom of Castile into central and southern Iberia during the...

; Himno de Valledupar

Hymn of Valledupar, is the representative anthem of Valledupar
Valledupar is a city and municipality in northeastern Colombia. It is the capital of Cesar Department and was founded in 1550 by the Spanish conquistador Hernando de Santana. Its name, Valle de Upar , was established in honor of the Amerindian cacique who ruled the valley; Cacique Upar...

, a city located in northern Colombia
Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia , is a unitary constitutional republic comprising thirty-two departments. The country is located in northwestern South America, bordered to the east by Venezuela and Brazil; to the south by Ecuador and Peru; to the north by the Caribbean Sea; to the...

. Established since 1984 by then Mayor of Valledupar, Miguel Meza Valera, the anthem was selected from a public contest and won by Samarian
Santa Marta
Santa Marta is the capital city of the Colombian department of Magdalena in the Caribbean Region. It was founded in July 29, 1525 by the Spanish conqueror Rodrigo de Bastidas, which makes it the oldest remaining city in Colombia...

 composer Rita Feranandez Padilla and musician Carlos Julio Parra, selected by a jury formed by Consuelo Araujo Noguera
Consuelo Araujo Noguera
Consuelo Araújo Noguera, also known as "La Cacica", was a Colombian politician, writer and self-taught journalist, born August 1, 1940 in the city of Valledupar...

, Simon Martinez Ubarnez and Luis Rosenzwelg.

The anthem was selected after an open contest to the public ordered by Mayor's decree 16.


Spanish English

Maternal, centenaria y bravía

luchadora en mestiza batalla

guardan leyendas, los acordeones,

del Valle del Cacique Upar.


En sus calles de estirpe española

remembranzas de un pueblo que canta,

con sus historias, sus esperanzas,

oh señorial Valledupar.


¡Oh Ciudad de los Santos Reyes!

matriarcal grito soberano,

tradiciones que te defienden

orgullosa fue tu libertad.


Aborigen de casta muy valiente

de una raza labriega hasta la piel,

hoy nos quedan dos símbolos latentes,

el Arhuaco y el Kogui, muestra fiel.


Hacia el norte domina la sierra

donde el alma del Valle se siente,

un sol ardiente baña tus tierras,

airoso el río Guatapurí.


En el campo tus hombres muy fuertes

con sus brazos de amor y confianza

es algo innato, labrando cantan,

en busca de su porvenir.


¡Oh Ciudad de los Santos Reyes!

matriarcal grito soberano,

tradiciones que te defienden

orgullosa fue tu libertad.


Nuestro suelo es emporio de riqueza

es progreso, tenaz Valledupar

entonemos un himno de esperanza

que sea el grito del Valle del Cesar.

Maternal, centennial and brave

fighter in mixed battle

keeping legends, the accordions,

in the Valley of the Cacique Upar.


On its street of Spanish class

remembrances of the people that sings,

with their stories, their hopes,

oh lordly Valledupar.


¡Oh City of the holy kings!

matriarcal sovereign scream,

traditions that defend you

proud was your liberty.


Aborigins of brave cast

of a working class to the skin,

today two beeating symbols are left,

the Arhuaco and the Kogui, loyal prove.


To the north the Sierra dominates

where the valley's soul is felt,

a brilliant sun showers your lands,

overshowing the Guatapuri river.


In your country your stroong men

with loving arms and confidence

is something unborn, labrating they sing,

in search of their future.


¡Oh City of the holy kings!

matriarcal sovereign scream,

traditions that defends you

proud was your liberty.


Our land is an emporium of wealthiness

is progress, strong Valledupar

let's sing the hymn of hope

let that be the scream of the Valley of Cesar.
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