Inner centromere protein is a protein
Proteins are biochemical compounds consisting of one or more polypeptides typically folded into a globular or fibrous form, facilitating a biological function. A polypeptide is a single linear polymer chain of amino acids bonded together by peptide bonds between the carboxyl and amino groups of...

 that in humans is encoded by the INCENP gene
A gene is a molecular unit of heredity of a living organism. It is a name given to some stretches of DNA and RNA that code for a type of protein or for an RNA chain that has a function in the organism. Living beings depend on genes, as they specify all proteins and functional RNA chains...


In mammalian cells, two broad groups of centromere
A centromere is a region of DNA typically found near the middle of a chromosome where two identical sister chromatids come closest in contact. It is involved in cell division as the point of mitotic spindle attachment...

-interacting proteins have been described: constitutively binding centromere
A centromere is a region of DNA typically found near the middle of a chromosome where two identical sister chromatids come closest in contact. It is involved in cell division as the point of mitotic spindle attachment...

 proteins and 'passenger' (or transiently interacting) proteins. The constitutive proteins include CENPA
Centromere protein A, also known as CENPA, is a protein which in humans is encoded by the CENPA gene.Centromeres are the differentiated chromosomal domains that specify the mitotic behavior of chromosomes. The CENPA gene encodes a centromere protein which contains a histone H3 related histone fold...

 (centromere protein A), CENPB
Centromere protein B
Centromere protein B also known as major centromere autoantigen B is an autoantigen protein of the cell nucleus. In humans, centromere protein B is encoded by the CENPB gene.- Function :...

Centromere protein C 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CENPC1 gene.-Further reading:...

, and CENPD
Regulator of chromosome condensation 1, also known as RCC1, is the name for a human gene and protein.RCC1 also functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ran GTPase.-Interactions:...


The term 'passenger proteins' encompasses a broad collection of proteins that localize to the centromere during specific stages of the cell cycle
Cell cycle
The cell cycle, or cell-division cycle, is the series of events that takes place in a cell leading to its division and duplication . In cells without a nucleus , the cell cycle occurs via a process termed binary fission...

. These include CENPE
Centromere protein E
Centromere-associated protein E is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CENPE gene.-Further reading:...

Kinesin-like protein KIF2C is a protein that in humans is encoded by the KIF2C gene.-Further reading:...

Kinesin-like protein KIF22 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the KIF22 gene.-Further reading:...

; cytoplasmic dynein (e.g., DYNC1H1
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the DYNC1H1 gene.-Interactions:DYNC1H1 has been shown to interact with PAFAH1B1 and CDC5L.-Further reading:...

); CliPs (e.g. CLIP1
CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 1, also known as CLIP1, is a protein which in humans is encoded by the CLIP1 gene.-Interactions:CLIP1 has been shown to interact with IQGAP1, Mammalian target of rapamycin and PAFAH1B1.-Further reading:...

); and CENPF/mitosin (CENPF
Centromere protein F is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CENPF gene.-Further reading:...

). The inner centromere proteins (INCENPs), the initial members of the passenger protein group, display a broad localization along chromosomes in the early stages of mitosis
Mitosis is the process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets, in two separate nuclei. It is generally followed immediately by cytokinesis, which divides the nuclei, cytoplasm, organelles and cell membrane into two cells containing roughly...

 but gradually become concentrated at centromeres as the cell cycle progresses into mid-metaphase. During telophase
Telophase from the ancient Greek "τελος" and "φασις" , is a stage in both meiosis and mitosis in a eukaryotic cell. During telophase, the effects of prophase and prometaphase events are reversed. Two daughter nuclei form in the cell. The nuclear envelopes of the daughter cells are formed from the...

, the proteins are located within the midbody
Midbody (cell biology)
The midbody is a transient structure found in mammalian cells and is present near the end of cytokinesis just prior to the complete separation of the dividing cells...

 in the intercellular bridge, where they are discarded after cytokinesis
Cytokinesis is the process in which the cytoplasm of a single eukaryotic cell is divided to form two daughter cells. It usually initiates during the late stages of mitosis, and sometimes meiosis, splitting a binucleate cell in two, to ensure that chromosome number is maintained from one generation...



INCENP has been shown to interact
Protein-protein interaction
Protein–protein interactions occur when two or more proteins bind together, often to carry out their biological function. Many of the most important molecular processes in the cell such as DNA replication are carried out by large molecular machines that are built from a large number of protein...

 with H2AFZ
Histone H2A.Z is a protein that in humans is encoded by the H2AFZ gene.-Further reading:...

, Survivin
Survivin, also called baculoviral inhibitor of apoptosis repeat-containing 5 or BIRC5, is a protein that, in humans, is encoded by the BIRC5 gene....

 and CDCA8
Borealin is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CDCA8 gene.-Interactions:CDCA8 has been shown to interact with INCENP, Survivin and Aurora B kinase.-Further reading:...


Further reading

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