IPIS may refer to:
  • Institute for Political and International Studies, an Iranian research center
  • Intelligent Product Information Search, a price comparison service
    Price comparison service
    On the internet, a price comparison service allows individuals to see different lists of prices for specific products. Most price comparison services do not sell products themselves, but source prices from retailers from whom users can buy...

  • Instrument Pilot Instructor School; see Flight instructor
    Flight instructor
    A flight instructor is a person who teaches others to fly aircraft. Specific privileges granted to holders of a flight instructor qualification vary from country to country, but very generally, a flight instructor serves to enhance or evaluate the knowledge and skill level of an aviator in pursuit...

  • Interpulse interval, or inter-pulse period, in Pulse repetition frequency
    Pulse repetition frequency
    Pulse repetition frequency or Pulse repetition rate is the number of pulses per time unit . It is a measure or specification mostly used within various technical disciplines Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) or Pulse repetition rate (PRR) is the number of pulses per time unit (e.g. Seconds). It...

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