IP Virtual Server
IPVS implements transport-layer load balancing
Load balancing (computing)
Load balancing is a computer networking methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers or a computer cluster, network links, central processing units, disk drives, or other resources, to achieve optimal resource utilization, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid...

 inside the Linux kernel
Linux kernel
The Linux kernel is an operating system kernel used by the Linux family of Unix-like operating systems. It is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software....

, so called Layer-4 LAN switching. IPVS is incorporated into Linux Virtual Server
Linux Virtual Server
Linux Virtual Server is an advanced load balancing solution for Linux systems. It is an open source project started by Wensong Zhang in May 1998...

, where it runs on a host and acts as a load balancer at the front of a cluster of real servers, it can direct requests for TCP/UDP based services to the real servers, and makes services of the real servers appear as a virtual service on a single IP address
IP address
An Internet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to each device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing...


External links

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