Iinan District, Mie
Iinan (飯南郡; -gun) was a district
Districts of Japan
The was most recently used as an administrative unit in Japan between 1878 and 1921 and is roughly equivalent to the county of the United States, ranking at the level below prefecture and above city, town or village. As of 2008, cities belong directly to prefectures and are independent from...

 located in Mie Prefecture. The district had an estimated population
A population is all the organisms that both belong to the same group or species and live in the same geographical area. The area that is used to define a sexual population is such that inter-breeding is possible between any pair within the area and more probable than cross-breeding with individuals...

 of 11,235 and the total area was 317.27 km². (2003)


  • March 29, 1896 The district was formed when Iitaka and Iino Districts merged. (1 town, 23 villages)
  • April 1, 1908 The village of Kamiyama(?) broke off and merged into the villages of Izawa and Kushida. (1 town, 22 villages)
  • January 1, 1921 The village of Susudomari(?) merged into the town of Matsusaka. (1 town, 21 villages)
  • January 1, 1924 The village of Kakino gained town status to become the town of Kakino. (2 towns, 20 villages)
  • April 1, 1931 The village of Kobe(?) merged into the town of Matsusaka. (2 towns, 19 villages)
  • July 1, 1932 The village of Hanaoka gained town status to become the town of Hanaoka. (3 towns, 18 villages)
  • 1933
    • February 1 The town of Matsusaka gained city status to become the city of Matsusaka. (2 towns, 18 villages)
    • February 11 The village of Kayumi gained town status to become the town of Kayumi. (3 towns, 17 villages)
  • December 25, 1948 The villages of Matsue and Asami merged into the city of Matsusaka. (3 towns, 15 villages)
  • December 1, 1951 The village of Isedera merged into the city of Matsusaka. (3 towns, 14 villages)
  • December 1, 1952 The village of Hatadono merged into the city of Matsusaka. (3 towns, 13 villages)
  • October 15, 1954 The town of Hanaoka and the villages of Minato, Matsuo, and Nishikurobe merged into the city of Matsusaka. (2 towns, 10 villages)
  • April 1, 1955 The villages of Chihiroe, Oishi, Izawa, and Ishiro merged into the city of Matsusaka. (2 towns, 6 villages)
  • August 1, 1956 (2 towns, 2 villages)
    • The towns of Kakino and Kayumi merged to become the town of Iinan.
    • The villages of Miyamae, Kabata, Mori, and Haze merged to become the town of Iitaka.
  • October 1, 1957 The villages of Okawachi and Kushida merged into the city of Matsusaka. (2 towns)
  • Until December 31, 2004, there were two towns in the district, but on January 1, 2005, both towns became part of the new city of Matsusaka
    Matsusaka, Mie
    , sometimes called Matsuzaka, is a city located in central Mie Prefecture, on the island of Honshū, Japan. The city is famous for its beef.-Founding:...

     and the district dissolved.
    • Iinan
      Iinan, Mie
      Iinan was a town located in Iinan District, Mie, Japan.On January 1, 2005 Iinan, along the towns of Mikumo and Ureshino, both from Ichishi District, and the town of Iitaka, also from Iinan District, was merged into the expanded city of Matsusaka and no longer exists as an independent...

    • Iitaka
      Iitaka, Mie
      Iitaka was a town located in Iinan District, Mie, Japan.On January 1, 2005 Matsu, along the towns of Mikumo and Ureshino, both from Ichishi District, and the town of Iinan, also from Iinan District, was merged into the expanded city of Matsusaka and no longer exists as an independent...

明治22年以前 旧郡 明治29年3月29日 明治29年 - 昭和19年 昭和20年 - 昭和64年 平成1年 - 現在 現在
飯高郡 柿野村 大正13年1月1日
粥見村 昭和8年2月11日
宮前村 宮前村 昭和31年8月1日
川俣村 川俣村
森村 森村
波瀬村 波瀬村
松阪町 昭和8年2月1日
鈴止村 大正10年1月1日
神戸村 昭和6年4月1日
松江村 松江村 昭和23年12月25日
伊勢寺村 伊勢寺村 昭和26年12月1日
花岡村 昭和7年7月1日
港村 港村
松尾村 松尾村
茅広江村 茅広江村 昭和30年4月1日
大石村 大石村
大河内村 大河内村 昭和32年10月1日
飯野郡 朝見村 朝見村 昭和23年12月25日
機殿村 機殿村 昭和27年12月1日
西黒部村 西黒部村 昭和29年10月15日
漕代村 漕代村 昭和30年4月1日
射和村 射和村
神山村 明治41年4月1日
櫛田村 櫛田村
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