In Theory (TNG episode)
"In Theory" is the 99th episode of the science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 television series Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise. Roddenberry, Rick Berman, and Michael Piller served as executive producers at different times throughout the production...



An Enterprise-D
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
The USS Enterprise is a 24th century starship in the Star Trek fictional universe and the principal setting of the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series...

crew-member (portrayed by Michele Scarabelli
Michele Scarabelli
Michele Scarabelli is a Canadian actress. She is probably best known for her role as Tenctonese Newcomer Susan Francisco on the Fox Network science fiction series Alien Nation and the 5 television movies that followed....

) develops romantic feelings for Data
Data (Star Trek)
Lieutenant Commander Data is a character in the fictional Star Trek universe portrayed by actor Brent Spiner. He appears in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the feature films Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection, and Star Trek...

, and in his continuing attempt to emulate humanity, he attempts to reciprocate. However, his attempts meet with only mixed success, because of his lack of understanding of the subtle details of human behaviour. Eventually, the woman in question realises that she is repeating her old mistake; she left her previous boyfriend as he was too unemotional, and now she has fallen for Data, a man incapable of experiencing emotion. Data sees her point, and discontinues the relationship.

In the underlying plot, the Enterprise explores a dark matter
Dark matter in fiction
Dark matter is defined as hypothetical matter that is undetectable by its emitted radiation, but whose presence can be inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter. It has been used in a variety of fictional media, including computer and video games and books. In such cases, dark matter is...

A nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen gas, helium gas and other ionized gases...

where collisions with undetectable pockets of subspace deformations cause strange happenings aboard the ship. As the pocket activity intensifies, minor hull breaches occur resulting in the death of a female crewmember who becomes fused to a deck. Captain Picard volunteers to guide the Enterprise to safety using a more maneuverable shuttlecraft.

External links

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