Inbal Perlmuter
Inbal Perlmuter was an Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

i composer, musician
A musician is an artist who plays a musical instrument. It may or may not be the person's profession. Musicians can be classified by their roles in performing music and writing music.Also....* A person who makes music a profession....

, singer and lyricist
A lyricist is a songwriter who specializes in lyrics. A singer who writes the lyrics to songs is a singer-lyricist. This differentiates from a singer-composer, who composes the song's melody.-Collaboration:...

, and a founding member of the band Ha-Mechashefot ("The Witches").

Perlmuter's music was influential to the Israeli music of the 1990s. She began her musical career in 1992 when she founded, along with Ifat Netz and Yael Cohen, the band Ha-Mechashefot. She continued producing solo works and numerous collaborations, both in Israel and abroad.

Perlmuter died in a car accident
Car accident
A traffic collision, also known as a traffic accident, motor vehicle collision, motor vehicle accident, car accident, automobile accident, Road Traffic Collision or car crash, occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction,...

 at the age of 26.


The band began to perform in clubs around Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

, and got public notice on a TV show called "Songs of the Sea of Galilee
Sea of Galilee
The Sea of Galilee, also Kinneret, Lake of Gennesaret, or Lake Tiberias , is the largest freshwater lake in Israel, and it is approximately in circumference, about long, and wide. The lake has a total area of , and a maximum depth of approximately 43 m...

", hosted by Naomi Shemer
Naomi Shemer
Naomi Shemer was a leading Israeli songwriter hailed as the "first lady of Israeli song and poetry."-Biography:Naomi Sapir was born on Kvutzat Kinneret, a kibbutz her parents had helped found, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. In the 1950s she served in the Israeli Defense Force's Nahal...

. Ha-Mechashefot performed a sensual version of Shemer's song Kesem 'Al Yam Kinneret ("Magic on the Sea of Galilee") which astounded both the audience and the host. This version was recorded in April 1993, and was released as a DJ record with cover art by Perlmuter. Shemer was delighted, exclaiming: "Shall a Negro turn his skin inside out? He certainly shall!" (This being a Hebrew expression meaning that someone or something has drastically changed).

In early 1994, the band released its first album, Ad Ha-Oneg Ha-Ba ("Till the Next Pleasure"). Perlmuter wrote the lyrics and composed nearly all the songs. Thanks to Corinne Alal's arrangement and production, the band succeeded in creating an energetic guitar rock album which gained immense popularity and was certified gold
Music recording sales certification
Music recording sales certification is a system of certifying that a music recording has shipped or sold a certain number of copies, where the threshold quantity varies by type and by nation or territory .Almost all countries follow variations of the RIAA certification categories,...

. Following the album's release, the band had dozens of concerts. Some of them were held on Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th occurs when the thirteenth day of a month falls on a Friday, which superstition holds to be a day of bad luck. In the Gregorian calendar, this day occurs at least once, but at most three times a year...

 under the title "The Night of the Witches", and featured guest singers Corinne Alal and Dana Berger
Dana Berger
Dana Berger is an Israeli singer-songwriter and occasional actress, who is a graduate of the Rimon school of contemporary music. Berger came to fame in the 1990s, appearing on the popular TV show "Inyan Shel Zman"...


In March/April 1995, Ha-Mechashefot released its second album, Zmanim Muzarim ("Strange Times"). This time they arranged and produced the entire album themselves. Again, Perlmuter wrote all the lyrics and composed all but one song. The album was less popular than their first.

The band continued holding concerts frequently and was often a warm-up act for Björk
Björk Guðmundsdóttir , known as Björk , is an Icelandic singer-songwriter. Her eclectic musical style has achieved popular acknowledgement and popularity within many musical genres, such as rock, jazz, electronic dance music, classical and folk...


In April 1996, the band released its third album, Ha-Mechashefot Mitkasot ("The Witches Cover Up"), a collection of all the cover songs they recorded in their early days. The only popular cover not on this album was "Sweet Dreams"; Annie Lennox
Annie Lennox
Annie Lennox, OBE , born Ann Lennox, is a Scottish singer-songwriter, political activist and philanthropist. After achieving minor success in the late 1970s with The Tourists, with fellow musician David A...

 of the Eurythmics
Eurythmics were a British pop rock duo, formed in 1980, currently disbanded, but known to reunite from time to time. Consisting of members Annie Lennox and David A...

had refused to allow the band's version of her song to be released. In protest, Perlmuter distributed the song on an underground tape; on the cover, which she had designed, bore the words "Shit Rights".

After the release of this album, Ha-Mechashefot became considerably less active, although they never officially announced that they were disbanding. They held their final concert in September 1996.
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