Intel 8089
The Intel 8089 input/output coprocessor was available for use with the 8086/8088 central processor. It used the same programming technique as 8087 for input/output operations, such as transfer of data from memory to a peripheral device, and so reducing the load on the CPU.
Because IBM didn't use it in IBM PC design, it did not become well known; later IO coprocessors did not keep the x89 designation the way math coprocessors kept the x87 designation.
Because IBM didn't use it in IBM PC design, it did not become well known; later IO coprocessors did not keep the x89 designation the way math coprocessors kept the x87 designation.
- Robin Jigour: Prototyping with the 8089 I/O Processor, Application Note (AP-89), May 1980, Order number AFN 01153A, Intel Corporation.
External Links
- 8089 Assembler Users Guide; Intel 1979.
- 8089 8 & 16-Bit HMOS I/O Processor; Intel 1980.