Isesi-ankh was an Egyptian prince
Prince is a general term for a ruler, monarch or member of a monarch's or former monarch's family, and is a hereditary title in the nobility of some European states. The feminine equivalent is a princess...

 of the Fifth Dynasty
Fifth dynasty of Egypt
The fifth dynasty of ancient Egypt is often combined with Dynasties III, IV and VI under the group title the Old Kingdom. Dynasty V dates approximately from 2494 to 2345 BC.-Rulers:...

. His name means "Isesi lives".


Isesi-ankh was a son of the King Djedkare Isesi
Djedkare Isesi
Djedkare Isesi in Greek known as Tancheres from Manetho's Aegyptiaca, was a Pharaoh of Egypt during the Fifth dynasty. He is assigned a reign of twenty-eight years by the Turin Canon although some Egyptologists believe this is an error and should rather be thirty-eight years...

. It is not known who his mother was, but she was possibly Meresankh IV
Meresankh IV
Meresankh IV was a Queen of Egypt in the 5th dynasty. Her name means "she loves life".- Biography :Meresankh IV was a queen of Ancient Egypt towards the end of the 5th dynasty. While some sources consider that her husband is unknown, other sources suggest her husband was the pharaoh Menkauhor Kaiu...

. His titles were King's Son, Overseer of all the works of the King, and Overseer of the Expedition. Not much is known about his life, except that he had several siblings. He was buried in Saqqara
Saqqara is a vast, ancient burial ground in Egypt, serving as the necropolis for the Ancient Egyptian capital, Memphis. Saqqara features numerous pyramids, including the world famous Step pyramid of Djoser, sometimes referred to as the Step Tomb due to its rectangular base, as well as a number of...

in tomb D8 (using Mariette's numbering).
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