Isshin-ryu kusarigamajutsu
is a traditional school
is a Japanese word that is used in association with the ancient Japanese martial arts. This word literally translates as "old school" or "traditional school"...

 of the Japanese martial art of kusarigamajutsu
is the art of using the Japanese weapon kusarigama.Kusarigamajutsu is featured in several separate martial arts such as Koga Ha Kurokawa Ryū Heiho Ninjutsu, Suio Ryū and Shintō Musō-ryū...

, the art of using the chain and scythe
A scythe is an agricultural hand tool for mowing grass, or reaping crops. It was largely replaced by horse-drawn and then tractor machinery, but is still used in some areas of Europe and Asia. The Grim Reaper is often depicted carrying or wielding a scythe...

The is a traditional Japanese weapon that consists of a kama on a metal chain with a heavy iron weight at the end. The kusarigama is said to have developed during the Muromachi period...

). Its exact origin is disputed, and may have been founded as early as the 14th century by the samurai
is the term for the military nobility of pre-industrial Japan. According to translator William Scott Wilson: "In Chinese, the character 侍 was originally a verb meaning to wait upon or accompany a person in the upper ranks of society, and this is also true of the original term in Japanese, saburau...

 Nen Ami Jion 念阿弥慈恩 (b.1351-?), but the modern-day techniques were compiled and incorporated no later than the 17th century, by the unification (tan'isshin, 丹一心) of Harayuki Uemon Ujisada (原志右衛門氏貞), hence the name. It is preserved in Shintō Musō-ryū
Shinto Muso-ryu
, most commonly known by its practice of jōdō, is a traditional school of the Japanese martial art of jōjutsu, or the art of wielding the short staff . The technical purpose of the art is to learn how to defeat a swordsman in combat using the jō, with an emphasis on proper combative distance,...

 as a "heiden" (subsumed teaching).


The methods that were originally taught in this ryuha included bōjutsu
, translated from Japanese as "staff technique", is the martial art of using a staff weapon called bō which simply means "staff". Staffs are perhaps one of the earliest weapons used by humankind. They have been in use for thousands of years in Eastern Asia. Some techniques involve slashing,...

, hobaku
Hojōjutsu or Nawajutsu, is the traditional Japanese martial art of restraining a person using cord or rope.Encompassing many different materials, techniques and methods from many different schools, Hojojutsu is a quintessentially Japanese art that is a unique product of Japanese history and...

 (a.k.a.hojojutsu or torinawa), torite, kusarigama and shuriken
A shuriken is a traditional Japanese concealed weapon that was generally used for throwing, and sometimes stabbing or slashing...


Some scholars date the origin to Harayuki Uemon Ujisada who compiled the techniques. Yet, his lineage harkens back to a priest who lived in the early 15th century, named Nen Ami Jion
Maniwa Nen-ryu
Maniwa Nen-ryū is a traditional school of Japanese martial arts founded in 1591 by Higuchi Matashichirō . Matashichirō was a student of Nen-ryū, and founded Maniwa Nen-ryū after receiving inka from Akamatsu Gion...

, as the ryuso (founder). In any case the ryuha eventually fragmented as the bōjutsu tradition was discovered to be practiced in Kyoto
is a city in the central part of the island of Honshū, Japan. It has a population close to 1.5 million. Formerly the imperial capital of Japan, it is now the capital of Kyoto Prefecture, as well as a major part of the Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto metropolitan area.-History:...

; the torite is recorded in Numata-han and Yoshida
-People:Yoshida is the 12th most common Japanese surname.*Akihiko Yoshida , game artist*Ami Yoshida , vocalist*Bungo Yoshida , bunraku puppeteer*Hidehiko Yoshida , judoka and MMA fighter...

-han and still another branch was recorded as practicing the bōjutsu (as well as naginata) in Yonezawa-han. The Kusarigama is perhaps the best known fragment of the ryuha.

The kusarigama

The original inspiration for the kusarigama is the ordinary scythe (kama) which was used by peasants to harvest crops and by infantrymen to clear out vegetation when on campaign.
The Isshin-ryu tradition dictates that the claimed founder of Isshin-ryu, Nen Ami Jion, created the IR-kusarigama after receiving a vision of a divine being holding a scythe(kama) in one hand and a metal weight in the other.

Among the various kusarigama-designs of other traditions the kusarigama found in Isshin-ryu is of a rather uncommon design. IS-kusarigama traits are the unusually long chain and straight double-edged blade with several other traditions preferring a curved single-edged blade and a much shorter chain. Early documents describing the weapon state that the blade is around 30 cm, with a chain length of 3.6 meters. The "kama" or blade is straight for the most part, and has a double edge with an attached metal handguard. The handle is made of hardwood and is approx 36 cm in length.

Kusarigama methods

The kusarigamas role as a battlefield weapon was limited as it required an open area in which to swing the chain and weight. The ability to use the chain effectively was slim on a crowded battlefield and even tall grass and tree-branches could prevent the chain from being swung effectively. The kusarigama found its main usage in peace-time for law-enforcements or duels in less hindering environments.

As a practical weapon the scythe-part of the IR-kusarigama is used to strike, slash or thrust at an opponent at various part of his body including neck, hands, wrists and solar plexus. The scythe is also used to catch an opponents sword between the blade and the handguard. A strength of the IR-kusarigama is that it can be wielded in the normal manner with the scythe up, or it can be used upside down. The handle itself, being made of hardwood, is used to strike, thrust, block and parry. The chain can be swung as a flail and used to ensnare the opponents sword, limbs or even the body itself making it difficult for the swordsman to maneuver or using his sword effectively. In some forms (kata) the weight is deployed to strike the opponents body, including the head, back and hands.


The kusarigama is for the most part taught only to advanced students who have achieved a high level of proficiency in the Shinto Muso-ryu Jodo forms, though the level required is not standardized and different Jodo-organizations have different requirements. Modern Isshin-ryu exponents use a wooden version of the kusarigama for safety-reasons. The handguard (goken) is still made of metal but the chain and weight replaced by rope and a leather bag . A kusarigama with a metal (though non-sharp) blade is sometimes used for demonstrations.

Isshin-ryu kusarigama forms

In the Isshin-ryu system of modern times there a total of 30 training-forms (kata) divided into 3 series, Omote, Ura and Okuden. The forms of the Omote and Ura-series share the same name but are different in application.

Omote & Ura series
  1. Ishiki
  2. Soemi
  3. Hagaeshi
  4. Mugan
  5. Jûmonji
  6. Furikomi (zen)
  7. Furikomi (go)
  8. Isô no nami
  9. Tatsumi no maki
  10. Midokorozume
  11. Ukibune
  12. Sodegarami

Okuden Series
  1. Mae
  2. Ushiro
  3. Hidari
  4. Migi
  5. Yariai (jô)
  6. Yariai (ge)
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