Istanbul International Yacht Club
The Istanbul Internationa l Yacht Club was founded by Mehmet Emin Toprak
Mehmet Emin Toprak
Veli Mehmet Emin Toprak was born in 1968 in the District of Lice, Turkey to the Toprak Family. He is an active philanthropist, businessman, and the inaugural elected President of the Istanbul International Yacht Club’s founding committee...

 to professionalize sailing
Yachting refers to recreational sailing or boating, the specific act of sailing or using other water vessels for sporting purposes.-Competitive sailing:...

 in Turkish
Turkey , known officially as the Republic of Turkey , is a Eurasian country located in Western Asia and in East Thrace in Southeastern Europe...

 waters by establishing off-shore racing and one-design races
One-Design is a racing method where all vehicles or boats have identical or very similar designs or models. It is also known as Spec series. It is heavily used in sailboat racing. All competitors in a race are then judged based on a single start time...

 and to further strengthen relationships between businessmen, and sailors. A committee that included the founding chair of Democrats Abroad
Democrats Abroad
Democrats Abroad is the official organization of the Democratic Party for United States citizens living permanently or temporarily abroad. The organization is given state-level recognition by the Democratic National Committee....

Turkey, Brooks Emerson helped establish and internationalize the club.
Mehmet Emin Toprak along with heads of state, foreign dignitaries, internationally renowned yacht clubs, and private concerned individuals are presently designing an event to be held every four years to grow awareness, funding, and results in the environmental cleanup of the Mediterranean and interconnected regions. Given environmental issues heed no international boundary the program allows all parties affected to join one concerted effort.
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