JA-JA is a Japanese
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

 singer, most notably remembered for his song Paradise no Kakuritsu, part of the Patlabor
Patlabor also known as , is an anime and manga franchise created by Headgear, a group consisting of director Mamoru Oshii, writer Kazunori Itō, mecha designer Yutaka Izubuchi, character designer Akemi Takada, and manga artist Masami Yūki.The popular franchise included a manga, a TV series, two OVA...

theme soundtrack.


  • 瞳を閉じてごらん (Hitomi O Toji Te Goran - Eyes Shut) (30 August 1989)
  • WALKER (21 October 1989)
  • CRYBABY TOWN (5 December 1989)
  • 太陽の腕月の瞳 (Taiyou no Ude Tsuki no Hitomi - Skillful Eye, Month of Sun) (21 March 1990)
  • パラダイスの確率 (Paradise no Kakuritsu - Chances of Paradise) (21 July 1990)
  • 終わらない時代 (Owara Nai Jidai - Neverending Times) (21 September 1990)
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