Jack Levin (producer)
Jack Levin was an American television producer, active in British and American television.

Selected filmography

  • The Gathering Storm
    The Gathering Storm (1974 film)
    The Gathering Storm is a 1974 American television biopic film, about Winston Churchill's life in the years just prior to, and at the start of, World War II, from 1936 to 1940....

  • The Finest Hours
    The Finest Hours
    The Finest Hours is a 1964 documentary film about Winston Churchill, directed by Peter Baylis. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.-Cast:* George Baker - Lord Randolph * Faith Brook - Lady Randolph...

  • Churchill and the Generals
    Churchill and the Generals
    Churchill and the Generals is a 1979 BBC television video taped play concerning the relationship between Winston Churchill and generals of the Allied forces between 1940 and 1945. It was written by Ian Curteis and screened on 5 March 1981 in the United States.-Cast:*Timothy West - Winston...

External links

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