Jacques Swaab
Lieutenant Jacques Michael Swaab was an American World War I flying ace
Flying ace
A flying ace or fighter ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down several enemy aircraft during aerial combat. The actual number of aerial victories required to officially qualify as an "ace" has varied, but is usually considered to be five or more...

 with the 22nd Aero Squadron
22nd Aero Squadron
-History:The 22d Aero Squadron was activated 16-June-1917 at Kelly Field it was then sent to Toronto for training with the Royal Flying Corps until 19-Oct-1917, when it returned to Taliaferro Field. On the 21-Jan-1918 it was shipped to Garden City, and shipped out on the RMS Adriatic on 31-Jan-1918...

, and was credited with 10 victories. He later worked in the Hollywood film industry.

World War I service

Swaab did not get into action until late in the war; he reported to the 22nd Aero Squadron on 27 August 1918. Nevertheless, he was in time for the battles at Toul
Toul is a commune in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department in north-eastern France.It is a sub-prefecture of the department.-Geography:Toul is located between Commercy and Nancy, and situated between the Moselle River and the Canal de la Marne au Rhin....

, Saint-Mihiel
Saint-Mihiel is a commune in the Meuse department in Lorraine in north-eastern France.-History:Saint-Mihiel was captured by the Germans in the first year of World War I, and was re-captured during the Battle of Saint-Mihiel from 12 September to 19 September 1918, during World War...

, and the Argonne
Meuse-Argonne Offensive
The Meuse-Argonne Offensive, or Maas-Argonne Offensive, also called the Battle of the Argonne Forest, was a part of the final Allied offensive of World War I that stretched along the entire western front.-Overview:...


His first combat patrol did not come until 8 September, when he downed a German observation plane and two Fokker D.VII
Fokker D.VII
The Fokker D.VII was a German World War I fighter aircraft designed by Reinhold Platz of the Fokker-Flugzeugwerke. Germany produced around 3,300 D.VII aircraft in the summer and autumn of 1918. In service, the D.VII quickly proved itself to be a formidable aircraft...

s. Twenty days later, he and James Beane
James Beane
Lieutenant James Dudley Beane was a World War I flying ace credited with six aerial victories.Beane attended Concord High School. He was employed in Boston before joining the Ambulance Service. He spent a year's duty on the Verdun front, from July 1916 though July 1917. He volunteered for aviation...

 shot down another D.VII, garnering a victory for both of them. On 23 October, Swaab became an ace by downing German ace, Max Näther of Jasta 62, in flames at 1140 hours; half an hour later, he knocked down a Rumpler
The Rumpler Tropfenwagen was a car developed by Austrian engineer Edmund Rumpler.Rumpler, born in Vienna, was a designer of aircraft when on the 1921's Berlin car show he introduced the Tropfenwagen. It was to be the first streamlined car . The Rumpler had a Cw-value of only 0.28...

 two-seater for his sixth win. Four days later, on an afternoon flight, he shot down a D.VII solo and shared a victory over a DFW
Deutsche Flugzeug-Werke
Deutsche Flugzeug-Werke, usually known as DFW was a German aircraft manufacturer of the early twentieth century. It was established by Bernhard Meyer and Erich Thiele at Lindenthal in 1910, and initially produced Farman designs under licence, later moving on to the Etrich Taube and eventually to...

 with Clinton Jones
Clinton Jones (aviator)
Lieutenant Clinton Leonard Jones, Jr. was an American World War I flying ace credited with eight aerial victories.Clinton Jones was a late arrival to World War I, arriving at the 22nd Aero Squadron on 27 August 1918...

. Two days after that, he once again shared a win over a D.VII with Beane. On the last day of October, he shot down an LVG
Luftverkehrsgesellschaft m.b.H. was a German aircraft manufacturer based in Berlin-Johannisthal, which began constructing aircraft in 1912, building Farman-type aircraft. The company constructed many reconnaissance and light bomber biplanes during World War I.The raid on London in 1916 was...

 observation plane. The ten confirmed victories made him the top scoring ace for the 22nd Aero; his seven unconfirmed claims, if verified, would have made him one of the leading American aces of the war.

Later life

In 1938 Swaab served as technical advisor on "The Dawn Patrol
The Dawn Patrol (1938 film)
The Dawn Patrol is a 1938 American war film, a remake of the pre-Code 1930 film of the same name. Both were based on the short story "The Flight Commander" by John Monk Saunders, an American writer said to have been haunted by his inability to get into combat as a flyer with the U.S...

", starring Errol Flynn
Errol Flynn
Errol Leslie Flynn was an Australian-born actor. He was known for his romantic swashbuckler roles in Hollywood films, being a legend and his flamboyant lifestyle.-Early life:...

 and David Niven
David Niven
James David Graham Niven , known as David Niven, was a British actor and novelist, best known for his roles as Phileas Fogg in Around the World in 80 Days and Sir Charles Lytton, a.k.a. "the Phantom", in The Pink Panther...


Swaab died in Los Angeles on 7 July 1863, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia, is a military cemetery in the United States of America, established during the American Civil War on the grounds of Arlington House, formerly the estate of the family of Confederate general Robert E. Lee's wife Mary Anna Lee, a great...



The Distinguished Service Cross
Distinguished Service Cross (United States)
The Distinguished Service Cross is the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Army, for extreme gallantry and risk of life in actual combat with an armed enemy force. Actions that merit the Distinguished Service Cross must be of such a high degree...

 is presented to Jacques M. Swaab, First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
First lieutenant is a military rank and, in some forces, an appointment.The rank of lieutenant has different meanings in different military formations , but the majority of cases it is common for it to be sub-divided into a senior and junior rank...

 (Air Service), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action near Montfaucon, France, September 28, 1918, and in the region of Champignuelle, October 27, 1918. On September 28 Lieutenant Swaab, although himself pursued by two enemy planes, perceiving one of his comrades in distress and in danger of being shot down, dived upon the enemy plane which was directly behind that of his comrade and shot the enemy plane out of control, forcing it to withdraw. His prompt act in going to the assistance of his comrade enabled the latter to escape. On October 27 Lieutenant Swaab and another member of his group engaged in combat with seven enemy planes. In this encounter, although outnumbered, Lieutenant Swaab continued in his attack and succeeded in shooting down an enemy D. F. W. observation plane.

External links

  • http://www.theaerodrome.com/aces/usa/swaab.php
  • http://www.angelfire.com/ct/US22/History_of_US22nd_Aero_Sq.pdf
  • http://www.gunjones.com/US22.html
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