The japygids are a taxon of hexapods
The subphylum Hexapoda constitutes the largest grouping of arthropods and includes the insects as well as three much smaller groups of wingless arthropods: Collembola, Protura, and Diplura . The Collembola are very abundant in terrestrial environments...

, of the order
Order (biology)
In scientific classification used in biology, the order is# a taxonomic rank used in the classification of organisms. Other well-known ranks are life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, family, genus, and species, with order fitting in between class and family...

 Diplura. In this family the paired cerci
Cerci are paired appendages on the rear-most segments of many arthropods, including insects and arachnids but not crustaceans. Cerci often serve as sensory organs, but they may also be used as weapons or copulation aids, or they may simply be vestigial structures.Typical cerci may appear to be...

 at the end of the abdomen
In vertebrates such as mammals the abdomen constitutes the part of the body between the thorax and pelvis. The region enclosed by the abdomen is termed the abdominal cavity...

 are pincer-like (superficially similar to the unrelated earwig
Earwigs make up the insect order Dermaptera, found throughout the Americas, Africa, Eurasia, Australia and New Zealand. With 1,800 species in 12 families, they are one of the smaller insect orders...

s) and are used to catch their tiny prey. Seventy genera are recognised, divided among seven subfamilies.
  • Abjapyx
    Abjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Afrojapyx
    Afrojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Afrojapyx africanus * Afrojapyx congoanus Silvestri, 1948* Afrojapyx mixtus Pagés, 1957* Afrojapyx stricklandi Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Allojapyx
    Allojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Allurjapyx
    Allurjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Allurjapyx aethiopicus Silvestri, 1930* Allurjapyx leleupi...

    Silvestri, 1930
  • Atlasjapyx
    Atlasjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Chou & Huang, 1986
  • Austrjapyx
    Austrjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Austrjapyx aberrans Silvestri, 1948* Austrjapyx autuorii Silvestri, 1948* Austrjapyx barberoi Silvestri, 1948* Austrjapyx bitancourtii Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Burmjapyx
    Burmjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Burmjapyx goliath * Burmjapyx lienhardi Pagés, 2000* Burmjapyx longiseta * Burmjapyx megurus Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1931
  • Catajapyx
    Catajapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Catajapyx aquilonaris * Catajapyx confusus * Catajapyx ewingi Fox, 1941* Catajapyx jeanneli Silvestri, 1934...

    Silvestri, 1933
  • Centrjapyx
    Centrjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Centrjapyx mahunkorum Pagés, 1982* Centrjapyx tristani...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Chiljapyx
    Chiljapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Smith, 1962
  • Choujapyx
    Choujapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Huang, 2001
  • Congjapyx
    Congjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Congjapyx constrictus Pagés & Schowing, 1958* Congjapyx hirtus Pagés & Schowing, 1958* Congjapyx insidiator Pagés & Schowing, 1958...

    Pagés, 1954
  • Ctenjapyx
    Ctenjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Ctenjapyx boneti Silvestri, 1948* Ctenjapyx parkeri Smith, 1964...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Deutojapyx
    Deutojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Deutojapyx greeni * Deutojapyx guizhouensis Chou, in Chou & Chen 1983...

    Paclt, 1957
  • Dipljapyx
    Dipljapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Dipljapyx beroni Pagés, 1974* Dipljapyx fagniezi Pagés, 1952* Dipljapyx hirpinus SIlvestri, 1948* Dipljapyx humbertii...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Ectasjapyx
    Ectasjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Parajapygidae.-Species:* Ectasjapyx bolivari Silvestri, 1929* Ectasjapyx machadoi Pagés, 1952* Ectasjapyx microdontus Pagés, 1952* Ectasjapyx simulator Pagés, 1952...

    Silvestri, 1929
  • Eojapyx
    Eojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Smith, 1960
  • Epijapyx
    Epijapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1933
  • Evalljapyx
    Evalljapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Evalljapyx adonis Smith, 1960* Evalljapyx aguayoi Silvestri, 1929* Evalljapyx anombris Smith, 1960* Evalljapyx bolivari Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1911
  • Gallojapyx
    Gallojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Pagés, 1993
  • Gigasjapyx
    Gigasjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Chou, 1984
  • Gollumjapyx Sendra & Ortuño, 2006
  • Hainanjapyx
    Hainanjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Hainanjapyx jianfengensis Chou, in Chou & Chen 1983* Hainanjapyx xinlongensis Chou, in Chou & Chen 1983...

    Chou in Chou & Chen, 1983
  • Hapljapyx
    Hapljapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Hapljapyx bertonii Silvestri, 1948* Hapljapyx carinii Silvestri, 1948* Hapljapyx demadridi Silvestri, 1948* Hapljapyx distinctellus Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Hecajapyx
    Hecajapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Hecajapyx bucketti Smith, 1964* Hecajapyx vulgaris Smith, 1959...

    Smith, 1959
  • Henicjapyx
    Henicjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Heterojapyx
    Heterojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Heterojapyx evansi Womersley, 1934* Heterojapyx gallardi Tillyard, 1924* Heterojapyx novaezeelandiae * Heterojapyx pauliani Pagés, 1955...

    Verhoeff, 1904
  • Holjapyx
    Holjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Holjapyx calaverasae Smith, 1959* Holjapyx conspersus Smith, 1959* Holjapyx diversiunguis * Holjapyx forsteri Pagés, 1952...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Hutanjapyx
    Hutanjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Pagés, 1995
  • Indjapyx
    Indjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Indjapyx agathis Pagés, 2002* Indjapyx annandalei Silvestri, 1931* Indjapyx bakeri * Indjapyx besucheti Pagés, 1984...

    Silvestri, 1931
  • Isojapyx
    Isojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Isojapyx eidemani Silvestri, 1948* Isojapyx excitus * Isojapyx scopiferus Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Japygellus
    Japygellus is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1930
  • Japygianus
    Japygianus is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1947
  • Japyginus
    Japyginus is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1930
  • Japyx
    Japyx is a genus of diplurans belonging to the family Japygidae. These eyeless, predatory hexapods largely shun direct sunlight, remaining under stones and among detritus, where they use pincer-like cerci to catch their tiny prey.-Species:...

    Haliday, 1864
  • Kinabalujapyx
    Kinabalujapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Pagés, 1994
  • Kohjapyx
    Kohjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Kohjapyx lindbergi Pagés, 1962* Kohjapyx serfatyi Pagés, 1953* Kohjapyx uchleri...

    Pagés, 1953
  • Megajapyx
    Megajapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Megajapyx aharonii * Megajapyx gigas * Megajapyx lagoi * Megajapyx rhodianus Silvestri, 1933...

    Verhoeff, 1904
  • Merojapyx
    Merojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Merojapyx porteri Silvestri, 1948* Merojapyx riverosi Silvestri, 1948* Merojapyx spegazzinii Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Mesjapyx
    Mesjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Mesjapyx afrinus Silvestri, 1948* Mesjapyx immsi * Mesjapyx silvestris...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Metajapyx
    Metajapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Metajapyx aemulans * Metajapyx athenarum * Metajapyx besucheti Pagés, 1978* Metajapyx bonadonai Pagés, 1954...

    Silvestri, 1933
  • Mixojapyx
    Mixojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Mixojapyx barberi Ewing & Fox, 1942* Mixojapyx conspicuus Silvestri, 1933* Mixojapyx cooki Ewing & Fox, 1942* Mixojapyx dampfi Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1933
  • Monojapyx
    Monojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Paclt, 1957
  • Nanojapyx
    Nanojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Nanojapyx coalingae Smith, 1959* Nanojapyx gentilei Smith, 1959* Nanojapyx hamoni Smith, 1959* Nanojapyx pagesi Smith, 1959* Nanojapyx pricei Smith, 1959...

    Smith, 1959
  • Nelsjapyx
    Nelsjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Nelsjapyx hichinsi Smith, 1962* Nelsjapyx soldadi Smith, 1962...

    Smith, 1962
  • Neojapyx
    Neojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Neojapyx centralis * Neojapyx guianae Silvestri, 1933* Neojapyx insulanus Silvestri, 1948* Neojapyx ortonedae Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1933
  • Notojapyx
    Notojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Notojapyx mjoebergi * Notojapyx tillyardi...

    Paclt, 1957
  • Occasjapyx
    Occasjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Occasjapyx americanus * Occasjapyx californicus Silvestri, 1948* Occasjapyx carltoni Allen, 1988* Occasjapyx kofoidi...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Oncojapyx
    Oncojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Oncojapyx basilewskyi Pagés, 1952* Oncojapyx machadoi Silvestri, 1948* Oncojapyx peramatus Pagés, 1952...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Opisthjapyx
    Opisthjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1929
  • Parindjapyx
    Parindjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Parindjapyx aelleni Pagés, 1977* Parindjapyx apulus * Parindjapyx chiorandoi Silvestri, 1933* Parindjapyx crivellarii Silvestri, 1933...

    Silvestri, 1933
  • Pauperojapyx
    Pauperojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Pagés, 1995
  • Penjapyx
    Penjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Penjapyx altus Smith, 1962* Penjapyx castrii González & Smith, 1964...

    Smith, 1962
  • Polyjapyx
    Polyjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Proncojapyx
    Proncojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Protjapyx
    Protjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Provalljapyx
    Provalljapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Provalljapyx brasiliensis Smith, 1962* Provalljapyx lanei Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Psalidojapyx
    Psalidojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Psalidojapyx edentulus Pagés, 2000* Psalidojapyx murudensis...

    Pagés, 2000
  • Rectojapyx
    Rectojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Pagés, 1954
  • Rossjapyx
    Rossjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Rossjapyx anodus * Rossjapyx australis Smith, 1962...

    Smith, 1962
  • Scottojapyx
    Scottojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Pagés, 1957
  • Shaanxijapyx
    Shaanxijapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Chou in Chou & Chen, 1983
  • Silvestriapyx
    Silvestriapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Pagés, 1981
  • Sinjapyx
    Sinjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Sinjapyx cupellii * Sinjapyx davidoffi Silvestri, 1948* Sinjapyx denisi Silvestri, 1948* Sinjapyx modicus Silvestri, 1948...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Troglojapyx
    Troglojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Pagés, 1980
  • Typhlolabia
    Typhlolabia is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Typhlolabia afer * Typhlolabia bidentata * Typhlolabia costala...

    Scudder, 1876
  • Ultrajapyx
    Ultrajapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Paclt, 1957
  • Unjapyx
    Unjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Unjapyx clayae Pagés, 1978* Unjapyx mussardi Pagés, 1993* Unjapyx simplicior * Unjapyx turbator Pagés, 1993...

    Silvestri, 1948
  • Urojapyx
    Urojapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae....

    Pagés, 1955
  • Xenjapyx
    Xenjapyx is a genus of diplurans in the family Japygidae.-Species:* Xenjapyx bouvieri * Xenjapyx tolaianus Pagés, 1957...

    Silvestri, 1948
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