Jau Tithe Khau
Jau Tithe Khau is a movie which criticizes the current judicial system and corrupt government system in India. The story is unique in the aspect due to its different taste and satire it shows. The literal meaning of the title is "We eat wherever we go" and is a popular idiom in Marathi
Marathi language
Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by the Marathi people of western and central India. It is the official language of the state of Maharashtra. There are over 68 million fluent speakers worldwide. Marathi has the fourth largest number of native speakers in India and is the fifteenth most...



Mukund (Makarand Anaspure
Makarand Anaspure
Makarand Madhukar Anaspure is an Indian actor. He is popular on television and has acted in several Marathi movies in his career...

) is hard working and intelligent young man, who is unable to find a job. He faces a lot of issues in his day to day life for the things which he has to depend on. Every public officer he meets like at electricity board, pension office etc ask him for bribe to carry out the work. Enraged by this behavior and the corrupt political system he decides to fight against the system. He is helped by his girlfriend Lekha (Deepali Syed) and few friends. Based upon this help he applies for a government scheme in which the person is entitled for loan approval on getting a well dug. By bribing all the officers in the loop, he manages to get the loan approved without even digging the well.

At the climax he files a case in the police station and court about his well getting stolen. At first he is held as madman, as a well, a solid structure can't be stolen. But then Mukund presents the proofs on the paper about the well being dug. The court has to accept the proof and declare that the well was indeed stolen. Mukund wins the Lawsuit.

However Mukund rejects the decision by himself and explain the people the real situation and warns them about the current state of corruption in the country. The film ends on the note that 'Today a well is proven to be stolen, Don't let the country to be proved stolen" as addressed by Mukund to the people.
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