Jean-Baptiste Chavannes
Jean-Baptiste Chavannes was born in 1947 in Haiti. Educated as an agronomist
An agronomist is a scientist who specializes in agronomy, which is the science of utilizing plants for food, fuel, feed, and fiber. An agronomist is an expert in agricultural and allied sciences, with the exception veterinary sciences.Agronomists deal with interactions between plants, soils, and...

, he founded the Peasant Movement of Papay (MPP) in 1973 to teach Haitian principles of sustainable agriculture
Sustainable agriculture
Sustainable agriculture is the practice of farming using principles of ecology, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment...

. The MPP has become one of the most effective peasant movement
Peasant movement
Peasant movement is a social movement involved with the agricultural policy.Peasants movement have a long history that can be traced to the numerous peasant uprisings that occurred in various regions of the world throughout human history. Early peasant movements were usually the result of stresses...

s of Haiti's history, succeeding in terms of economic development, environmental protection and the survival of each.

Chavannes continues his work despite the political climate in Haiti
Politics of Haiti
The Politics of Haiti have often been defined with conflict when strongmen have taken over the government. Only within the latter part of the twentieth century, has normal political activity transpired.-History:...

, which remains unstable. He has been exposed to several assassination attempts during periods of political destabilization in Haiti. Death threats have forced into exile between 1993 and 1994. He received the Goldman Environment Prize in 2005 for his work on forest protection
Forest protection
Forest protection is a general term describing methods purported to preserve or improve a forest threatened or affected by abuse. The types of abuse that forest protection seeks to prevent include:* Aggressive or unsustainable farming and logging...


External links

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