Jenifa is a 2008 Nigeria
Nigeria , officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in...

n Yoruba
Yoruba language
Yorùbá is a Niger–Congo language spoken in West Africa by approximately 20 million speakers. The native tongue of the Yoruba people, it is spoken, among other languages, in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo and in communities in other parts of Africa, Europe and the Americas...

 comedy-drama film
Comedy-drama is a genre of theatre, film and television programs which combines humorous and serious content.-Theatre:Traditional western theatre, beginning with the ancient Greeks, was divided into comedy and tragedy...

 starring Funke Akindele
Funke Akindele
Akindele Olufunke Ayotunde is a Nigerian actress...

. The film received 4 nominations at the African Movie Academy Awards in 2008. Funke Akindele
Funke Akindele
Akindele Olufunke Ayotunde is a Nigerian actress...

, the main protagonist of the film, won the African Movie Academy Award
African Movie Academy Award
The African Movie Academy Awards, popularly known as AMAA Awards, are presented annually to recognize excellence of professionals in the African film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. The awards are aimed at honouring and promoting excellence in the African movie industry as well...

for Best Actress in Leading Role for her role as Jenifa.
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