Jingle Jangle Comics
Jingle Jangle Comics was a ten-cent, bimonthly, 42-issue, 68-page (later reduced to 52-page) children’s-oriented American comic book
American comic book
An American comic book is a small magazine originating in the United States and containing a narrative in the form of comics. Since 1975 the dimensions have standardized at 6 5/8" x 10 ¼" , down from 6 ¾" x 10 ¼" in the Silver Age, although larger formats appeared in the past...

 published by Eastern Color under the Famous Funnies
Famous Funnies
Famous Funnies is an American publication of the 1930s that represents what popular culture historians consider the first true American comic book, following seminal precursors.-Immediate precursors:...

, Inc. imprint between February 1942
1942 in comics
-January:* All-Winners Comics #3 - Timely Comics* Captain America Comics #10 - Timely Comics* Daring Mystery Comics #8 - final issue, cancelled by Timely Comics...

 and December 1949
1949 in comics
-Events and publications:Publishers Star Publications, Toby Press, and Youthful make their debuts; conversely, Columbia Comics, Novelty Press, and Street & Smith Comics all fold.-January:* Captain America Comics #70 - Timely Comics...

. The series featured mixes of human and funny animal material. The series was edited by Steven Douglas with George L. Carlson
George L. Carlson
George Leonard Carlson was an illustrator and artist with numerous completed works, perhaps the most famous being the dust jacket for Gone with the Wind.-Tribute:...

 as principal artist.

George Carlson

George L. Carlson was in his mid-fifties and a veteran children’s book illustrator and puzzle maker when he took on Jingle Jangle Comics. His experience included painting the first edition dust jacket for Margaret Mitchell
Margaret Mitchell
Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell was an American author and journalist. Mitchell won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937 for her epic American Civil War era novel, Gone with the Wind, which was the only novel by Mitchell published during her lifetime.-Family:Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta,...

's Gone with the Wind
Gone with the Wind
The slaves depicted in Gone with the Wind are primarily loyal house servants, such as Mammy, Pork and Uncle Peter, and these slaves stay on with their masters even after the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 sets them free...

and ghosting the newspaper strip Reg’lar Fellas for artist Gene Byrnes
Gene Byrnes
Eugene Francis Byrnes created the long running comic strip Reg'lar Fellers, which he signed Gene Byrnes...

. He had previously published Jingle Jangle Tales as a children’s book and an unsuccessful Sunday newspaper page. Each issue of the comic book contained at least one of his two features (and many contained both): "Jingle Jangle Tales" and "The Pie-Face Prince". Carlson completed every aspect of his features himself – pencils, inks, etc. – earning $25 per page for the twelve pages he produced for each issue.


Carlson’s sophisticated Jingle Jangle fairy tales mixed burlesque, fantasy, and wordplay with his own brand of nonsense in multi-layered features of visual and verbal harmony. Characters in his work included The Youthful Yodeler, the Half-Champion Archer, the Very Horseless Jockey, King Hokum of Pretzleburg and his son the pie-face Prince Dimwitri, the Princess Panetella Murphy (Dimwitri‘s love), the Raging Raja (Dimwitri’s favorite enemy), and the Wicked Green Witch. Dimwitri’s adventures were many and varied: in one tale, he went aloft in an 18-carat balloon in search of a missing bass drum and in another he searched for the Doopsniggle Prize with his corned-beef flavored cabbage plant.
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