Joey Hood
Joey Hood is an actor and voice actor from Austin, TX. He mostly did roles for anime that were owned by ADV Films.
Anime Roles
- Dai-GuardDai-Guard, lit. "Terrestrial Defense Corp. Dai-Guard" is an anime television series, produced and animated by XEBEC, and directed by Seiji Mizushima. It aired from October 5, 1999 to March 28, 2000 on TV Tokyo, ran for 26 episodes. 6 volumes of videos were released on VHS and DVD...
- Shunsuke Akagi - Devil LadyDevil Ladyis a Japanese action horror manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. It was originally serialized between January 1997 and July 2000 in the manga magazine Weekly Morning. Seventeen bound volumes were published by Kodansha for release in Japan. The story focuses on Jun Fudo, a teacher who...
- Takeshi Maki - GetbackersGetBackersis a manga series written by Tadashi Agi and illustrated by Rando Ayamine. The series was serialized and is published by Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 1999 until 2007, totaling 39 volumes. The plot follows the "GetBackers", a group that retrieves anything that was lost...
- Kyouji Kagami - Jing, King of BanditsKing of Bandit Jing, also known as King of Bandit Jing, is a seven volume manga series by Yuichi Kumakura about the adventures of the bandit Jing and his partner Kir. The manga was adapted into a 13 episode anime series produced by Aniplex and directed by Hiroshi Watanabe as well as a Game Boy game released in 2000...
- Jing - Petite Princess YuciePetite Princess Yucieis an anime series, which was produced by Gainax, aired from 2002 to 2003, and ran for 26 episodes. Six volumes of videos were released on DVD by ADV Films in the United States. As of Sep. 1, 2009, the series is now licensed by ADV's successor, AEsir Holdings; with distribution from Section23 Films...
- Arc/Prince Arrow - The Princess Blade (live-action movie)The Princess BladeThe Princess Blade is a 2001 Japanese action film directed by Shinsuke Sato. It is a reimagining of the manga Lady Snowblood by Kazuo Koike.- Cast :*Yumiko Shaku as Yuki*Hideaki Ito as Takashi*Shiro Sano as Kidokoro...
- Kiri - Samurai X: ReflectionSamurai X: ReflectionRurouni Kenshin: Reflection, known as in Japan, is the second OVA series of the Rurouni Kenshin anime television series, acting as its sequel...
- Kenji Himura - Shuten Doji-The Star Hand Kid (OAV)Shutendoji (manga), also written Shutendouji or Shuten Doji and also known as Legend of Shutendoji, is a science fantasy Japanese manga series created by Go Nagai which combines elements from Japanese folklore with science fiction...
as Kaji - Sonic Soldier Borgman: Last BattleSonic Soldier Borgmanis a science fiction anime. It features a Super Sentai-like three member team that fight an organization known as Youma. Featuring three main characters: Chuck, Ryo and Anise. Ryo is the leader, while Chuck and Anise are teachers at a public school. Sometimes, the students help or make troubles to...
- Ryo Hibiki - Sonic Soldier Borgman: Lover's RainSonic Soldier Borgmanis a science fiction anime. It features a Super Sentai-like three member team that fight an organization known as Youma. Featuring three main characters: Chuck, Ryo and Anise. Ryo is the leader, while Chuck and Anise are teachers at a public school. Sometimes, the students help or make troubles to...
- Ryo Hibiki; Thunder - Zaion: I Wish You Were HereZaion: I Wish You Were Hereis a four-episode Japanese science fiction original video animation released by Gonzo in 2001. The story is set in the near future, when a spaceborne virus threatens Earth by turning humans into violent creatures. Enhanced soldiers fight a losing war against these creatures to ensure the survival...
- Yuuji - Zone of the EndersZone of the EndersThe soundtrack to Zone of the Enders was released April 25, 2001 on the album Zone of the Enders Z.O.E Original Soundtrack by Konami Music Entertainment. Almost all the music was composed by the trio , and . Also, composed "Global 2 " and , "City ". The theme song "KISS ME SUNLIGHTS" was composed...
- Wilson
Video Games
- DC Universe OnlineDC Universe OnlineDC Universe Online or DCUO is an MMORPG by Sony Online Entertainment – Austin. Jim Lee serves as the game's Executive Creative Director, along with Carlos D'Anda, JJ Kirby, Oliver Nome, Eddie Nuñez, Livio Ramondelli, and Michael Lopez...
- Dick GraysonDick GraysonDick Grayson is a fictional superhero that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger and illustrator Jerry Robinson, he first appeared in Detective Comics #38 in April 1940....
/NightwingNightwingNightwing is a name that has been used by several fictional characters in the DC Comics Universe. It was conceived as a Kryptonian analogue to the character of Batman, with Nightwing's frequent partner Flamebird based on Robin... - Wizard 101 - Additional Voices