John Hunt, Baron Hunt of Fawley
Dr John Henderson Hunt, Baron Hunt of Fawley,
CBE and C.B.E. are abbreviations for "Commander of the Order of the British Empire", a grade in the Order of the British Empire.Other uses include:* Chemical and Biochemical Engineering...

, MA, DM, FRCP, FRCS, FRCGP, FRACGP (1905-1987) was a general practitioner
General practitioner
A general practitioner is a medical practitioner who treats acute and chronic illnesses and provides preventive care and health education for all ages and both sexes. They have particular skills in treating people with multiple health issues and comorbidities...

 and for three years was President of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Royal College of General Practitioners
The Royal College of General Practitioners is the professional body for general practitioners in the United Kingdom. The RCGP represents and supports GPs on key issues including licensing, education, training, research and clinical standards. It is the largest of the medical royal colleges, with...


In 1973 he became a life peer: Baron Hunt of Fawley, of
Fawley is a place name that is used more than once in the United Kingdom. In each case, the origins of the name are different:* Fawley, Berkshire * South Fawley, sometimes called Little Fawley...

in the County of Buckingham.
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