John Worboys
John Worboys is a convicted British serial
Serial crime
Serial crime is generally defined as crimes in a serial or repetitive nature. However, according to criminologists, a habitual offender or a career criminal is not a serial criminal...

Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse, which is initiated by one or more persons against another person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or with a person who is incapable of valid consent. The...

, known as the Black Cab Rapist. He was convicted in March 2009 for attacks on 12 women. Police believe that he may have had more than one hundred victims, possibly being Britain's most prolific sex attacker.

Personal history

Worboys lived alone in Rotherhithe
Rotherhithe is a residential district in inner southeast London, England and part of the London Borough of Southwark. It is located on a peninsula on the south bank of the Thames, facing Wapping and the Isle of Dogs on the north bank, and is a part of the Docklands area...

, South London. He married in 1991, but separated after 8 years. His ex-wife has claimed that he sexually assaulted her daughter and that he confessed to following home and assaulting another woman. He was in a relationship at the time of his arrest in 2008.

He left school with few qualifications and worked various jobs including working odd-jobs like being a milkman, a junior dairy manager and a security guard. He had sleeping problems; a prescription allowed him to stockpile temazepam
Temazepam is an intermediate-acting 3-hydroxy benzodiazepine. It is mostly prescribed for the short-term treatment of sleeplessness in patients who have difficulty maintaining sleep...

, which he later used to drug women.

From 1987-2000, Worboys worked as a stripper
A stripper is a professional erotic dancer who performs a contemporary form of striptease at strip club establishments, public exhibitions, and private engagements. Unlike in burlesque, the performer in the modern Americanized form of stripping minimizes the interaction of customer and dancer,...

, using the name "Terry the Minder". As "Paul" and "Tony", Worboys directed and appeared in a pornographic film. He hired out his flat in Poole, Dorset, for making pornographic films. He worked as a taxi driver in Bournemouth while living at his holiday flat in Poole.


Worboys was a London black cab
Hackney carriage
A hackney or hackney carriage is a carriage or automobile for hire...

 taxi driver, who picked up women as fares late at night in central London and told them he was celebrating coming into a large amount of money, usually by winning the lottery or at a casino. He would show them a carrier bag full of money to back up his story, ply them with champagne that had been drugged
Date rape drug
A date rape drug is any drug that can be used to assist in the execution of a sexual assault, such as date rape. Drugs used to facilitate rape may have sedative, hypnotic, dissociative, and/or amnesiac effects, and can be added to a food or drink without the victim's knowledge.The act of adding...

 with sedatives, and then sexually assault or rape them. In some cases, he offered women money to have sex with him. The women would often have little memory of what happened to them.

Police investigation

Worboys was arrested for the sexual assault of a 19-year-old student in July 2007 and held at a police station in Plumstead, South-East London, but was released on bail after police believed his protests that she had been drunk and kissed him as she left his cab, which was confirmed by CCTV footage.
In December 2007, a 26-year-old woman made a complaint about a cab driver who drugged and raped her, but a DNA match was not made to Worboys. In January 2008 a 29-year-old insurance broker made a similar report to Essex police. In February 2008 Worboys raped a lawyer in his cab, who reported this to the police. These three reports convinced police that they were dealing with a serial rapist, and they made a public appeal. A member of staff at a sexual referral unit remembered the 2007 case, and Worboys was arrested at his house in Rotherhithe.

Physical evidence

Police found a "rape kit" in the boot of his Fiat Punto, containing champagne miniatures, plastic gloves, a torch, vibrators, condoms, sleeping tablets and an ashtray he used to crush drugs. In a safe in Worboys' garage police found hand-written notes outlining his planned explanations if he was questioned again following his 2007 arrest. These papers were not used in court because he claimed to have written them for his solicitor. Worboys' DNA was recovered from a semen stain in one woman's underwear, a wristband belonging to another woman was found in his house, and a third victim's address was found in his notebook. Forensic evidence linked a vibrator found in his car to another victim.

Ongoing investigation

By October 2010, the Metropolitan Police had received 102 additional complaints from women in London and Dorset, and believe that in 13 years as a taxi driver he could have drugged and attacked more than 100 female passengers. In a statement following the verdict, the police called for any other women who may have been attacked by Worboys to come forward.

Inquiry into the police investigation

The commander of Greenwich police was moved on due to failings in this inquiry and another murder investigation. A spokeswoman for Women Against Rape said that "We hope that some senior officers will face dismissal over this and similar cases." The handling of Worboys' case was brought before the Independent Police Complaints Commission
Independent Police Complaints Commission
The Independent Police Complaints Commission is a non-departmental public body in England and Wales responsible for overseeing the system for handling complaints made against police forces in England and Wales.-Role:...

, who concluded that proper investigations could have prevented some of the attacks. Five officers had complaints against them upheld, but none were dismissed. This decision criticised by one of the victims and her lawyers, who say that she was laughed at by the police when she reported her assault. Due to this case, the Metropolitan Police has created a central intelligence unit to investigate serial sex offenders.


Worboys pleaded not guilty to all 23 counts brought against him. Fourteen women testified in court. Worboys claimed to have engaged in "banter" with the women "to get their attention", due to not getting "attention and cuddles" when growing up. He said that any sex was consensual. His barrister
A barrister is a member of one of the two classes of lawyer found in many common law jurisdictions with split legal professions. Barristers specialise in courtroom advocacy, drafting legal pleadings and giving expert legal opinions...

 described Worboys as an “oddball”, a “weird customer” and a “socially inadequate individual”, but told the jury it did not mean Worboys was guilty, claiming: ”What have the prosecution got? They have got a lot of young women who had a very strange experience in the back of a taxi. It is not normal to be offered a drink by a taxi driver. The temptation for the jury is to say he is weird, he must have done it. Don’t fall into that trap.”

Verdict and sentencing

Worboys was convicted at Croydon Crown Court on 13 March 2009 of one count of rape, five sexual assaults, one attempted assault and 12 drugging charges, committed from July 2007 to February 2008. He was cleared of two counts of drugging. He was sent for a pre-sentencing report
Presentence Investigation
A presentence investigation report is a legal term referring to the investigation into the history of person convicted of a crime before sentencing to determine if there are extenuating circumstances which should ameliorate the sentence or a history of criminal behavior to increase the harshness...

 and a psychiatric report, and was sentenced on 21 April. He received a sentence of at least 8 years, and will not be released until a parole board decides he no longer presents a threat to women.

See also

  • Laws regarding rape
  • Effects and aftermath of rape
  • Date rape drug
    Date rape drug
    A date rape drug is any drug that can be used to assist in the execution of a sexual assault, such as date rape. Drugs used to facilitate rape may have sedative, hypnotic, dissociative, and/or amnesiac effects, and can be added to a food or drink without the victim's knowledge.The act of adding...

  • Sex offenders
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