Jonathan Stephenson
Jonathan Stephenson is a former Irish nationalist politician
A politician, political leader, or political figure is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making...


Stephenson was elected to Belfast City Council
Belfast City Council
Belfast City Council is the local authority with responsibility for the city of Belfast, the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland. The Council serves an estimated population of , the largest of any district council in Northern Ireland, while also being the fourth smallest by area...

 at the Northern Ireland local elections, 1993
Northern Ireland local elections, 1993
Elections for local government were held in Northern Ireland on 19 May 1993.-Overall:-Belfast:-References:...

, representing the Social Democratic and Labour Party
Social Democratic and Labour Party
The Social Democratic and Labour Party is a social-democratic, Irish nationalist political party in Northern Ireland. Its basic party platform advocates Irish reunification, and the further devolution of powers while Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom...

 (SDLP) in the Castle area. He also became Deputy Chairperson of the SDLP in the mid-1990s.

In 1995, he became the party's Chairperson, serving until 1998. At the Northern Ireland Forum
Northern Ireland Forum
The Northern Ireland Forum was a body set up in 1996 as part of a process of negotiations that eventually led to the Belfast Agreement in 1998....

 election in 1996, he did not stand in a constituency, but was elected as one of two regional list candidates for the SDLP, but he lost his council seat in 1997
Northern Ireland local elections, 1997
Elections for local government were held in Northern Ireland on 21 May 1997, shortly after the 1997 general election across the entire United Kingdom.-Overall:-Belfast:-References:...

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