Jose Orlandis
José Orlandis Rovira was a Spanish priest and historian who wrote more than 200 works, among which are 20 books.

Orlandis became a University Professor of Law in 1942, and was ordained priest of Opus Dei
Opus Dei
Opus Dei, formally known as The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei , is an organization of the Catholic Church that teaches that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. The majority of its membership are lay people, with secular priests under the...

 in 1946. Much of his work centered on Visigoth
The Visigoths were one of two main branches of the Goths, the Ostrogoths being the other. These tribes were among the Germans who spread through the late Roman Empire during the Migration Period...

ic Spain and Western Medieval Church.


  • Short History of the Catholic Church (2nd) by José Orlandis and Michael Adams
  • Años de juventud en el Opus Dei (Testimonios)
  • Historia de España: La España visigótica by José Orlandis (1977)
  • Historia y espíritu (Temas NT; 1) by José Orlandis (1975)
  • Pontificado Romano En La Historia by José Orlandis (November 2005)
  • Historia de La Iglesia: by José Orlandis (November 2005)
  • 8 bienaventuranzas (NT Religión) by José Orlandis (1982)
  • Die Synoden auf der Iberischen Halbinsel bis zum Einbruch des Islam (711) (Konziliengeschichte) by José Orlandis (1981)
  • Epoca Visigoda - pp. 409-711 - Tomo 4 by José Orlandis (February 2001)
  • Estudios de historia eclesiástica visigoda (Colección Historia de la Iglesia) by José Orlandis (Unknown Binding - 1998)
  • Hispania y Zaragoza en la Antigüedad tardía: Estudios varios by José Orlandis (1984)

External links

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