Julia Piera
Julia Piera is a contemporary poet. She is the author of the following books: Al vértice de la arena (Biblioteca Nueva, 2003), Igual que esos pájaros disecados (Hojas de Zenobia, Diputación de Huelva, 2004), Conversaciones con Mary Shelley (Icaria Editorial, Barcelona, 2006) and Puerto Rico digital (Bartleby Editores, Madrid, 2009). She is the winner of the Villa de Madrid (Francisco de Quevedo) 2010 Poetry Prize for her book Puerto Rico digital.

Her poems have appeared in various magazines and publications such as El periódico de poesía (UNAM), El signo del gorrión, Can Mayor, ArteletrA and Galerna. Her work has also been included in anthologies Once de marzo, poemas para el recuerdo (Pre-Textos, 2004), Campo abierto (DVD, 2005), Poetas en blanco y negro contemporáneos (Abada, 2006), Complicidades (Ave del Paraíso Ediciones, 2008), Landing Places: Immigrant Poets in Ireland (Dedalus Press, 2010), and most recently Palabras sobre palabras: 13 poetas jóvenes de España (Santiago Inédito, 2010). She has collaborated with the painter Jesús Ibáñez in the introductory text to his 2006-2007 exhibition at the Ansorena Gallery in Madrid. Some of her poems have been versioned into pieces by the experimental British composer Geoff Gould. Piera collaborates with the El viajero travel section of the Spanish newspaper El País.

She holds a BA in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has an MA in Romance Languages and Literature from Harvard University
Harvard University
Harvard University is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, established in 1636 by the Massachusetts legislature. Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and the first corporation chartered in the country...



  • Puerto Rico digital (Bartleby Editores, Madrid, 2009) - winner of the Villa de Madrid (Francisco de Quevedo) 2010 Poetry Prize
  • Conversaciones con Mary Shelley (Icaria Editorial, Barcelona, 2006)
  • Igual que esos pájaros disecados (Hojas de Zenobia, Diputación de Huelva, 2004)
  • Al vértice de la arena (Biblioteca Nueva, 2003)


  • Palabras sobre palabras: 13 poetas jóvenes de España (Santiago Inédito, 2010)
  • Landing Places: Immigrant Poets in Ireland (Dedalus Press, 2010)
  • Complicidades (Ave del Paraíso Ediciones, 2008)
  • Poetas en blanco y negro contemporáneos (Abada, 2006)
  • Campo abierto (DVD, 2005)
  • Once de marzo, poemas para el recuerdo (Pre-Textos, 2004)


  • Leer para ti (Reading to You) (co-authored with Chiara Merino) by Siri Hustvedt
    Siri Hustvedt
    Siri Hustvedt is an American novelist and essayist. Hustvedt is the author of a book of poetry, five novels, two books of essays, and a work of non-fiction...

    (Bartleby Editores, Madrid, 2007)


"Niños y otros duendes" in El País (El viajero section), 9-4-2010

"Lord Byron llegó en burro" in El País (El viajero section), 10-11-2007

"La isla mujer, verde flotante" in El País (El viajero section), 21-04-2007

"El fantasma de la Dama Blanca" in El País (El viajero section), 24 June 2006

"Una flor para Emily Dickinson" in El País (El viajero section), 25 March 2006

External links

"Poet Julia Piera invited to XXXI ALDEEU International Congress", August 18, 2011.

"Translations of five poems by Julia Piera" by Forrest Gander in nthposition, July 8, 2011.

"Conectado: Julia Piera" in On Madrid, El País, May 13, 2011.

Villa de Madrid Poetry Prize, March 14, 2011. http://www.premiosvillademadrid.com/premiados_10/premiados_10.htm#poesia

Julia Piera wins Villa de Madrid Poetry Prize 2010, February 8, 2011

Translation of a poem by Colette Bryce in ABCD las artes y las letras, January 30, 2011.

"Muñoz Molina, Neuman, Carnero y Millares, candidatos al Premio de la Crítica" in La Voz Libre (Puerto Rico Digital by Julia Piera, nominated), April 16, 2010. http://www.lavozlibre.com/noticias/ampliar/59679/munoz-molina-neuman-carnero-y-millares-candidatos-al-premio-de-la-critica

"Dublinesca" in Hilvanes y Retales, April 15, 2010. http://hilvanesyretales.blogspot.com/2010/04/dublinesca_15.html

"Entre la memoria y el presente", by Luis García Jambrina in ABCD las artes y las letras, March 2, 2010. http://hemeroteca.abc.es/nav/Navigate.exe/hemeroteca/madrid/cultural/2010/02/27/018.html

"Premios a mejores poemarios 2009", in Crítica poética y contracrítica, February 9, 2010. http://criticadepoesia.blogspot.com/2010/02/premios-mejores-poemarios-2009.html

"Puerto Rico digital, Julia Piera", review by Sofía Rhei in La tormenta en un vaso, February 2, 2010. http://latormentaenunvaso.blogspot.com/2010/02/puerto-rico-digital-julia-piera.html

"Votación de los 10 mejores libros de 2009" in ElPais.com (Spain), December 2009. http://www.elpais.com/especial/libros/pdf/20091223elpepucul_1_Pes_PDF.pdf

Puerto Rico digital review, in Afterpost (Spain) by Pablo López Carballo, November 2009. http://afterpost.wordpress.com/2009/11/10/antes-se-moria-de-concepto-puerto-rico-digital-julia-piera/

Puerto Rico digital review, in Pata de gallo (Spain) by Ernesto García López, November 2009. http://patadegallo.blogspot.com/2009/11/visiones.html

Puerto Rico digital review, in elcultural.es (Spain) by Túa Blesa, October 2009. http://www.elcultural.es/version_papel/LETRAS/25915/Puerto_Rico_digital

Puerto Rico digital review, in Publico.es by Marta Sanz (Spain), July 11, 2009 http://www.bartlebyeditores.es/ficha_resena.php?idresena=67 and http://www.alphadecay.org/system/files/206/original/02-014-07_-_P%C3%BAblico_12_de_julio_de_2009.pdf?1247487002

Poems from the book Puerto Rico digital (Bartleby Editores), in El periódico de poesía (UNAM), April 2009. http://www.periodicodepoesia.unam.mx/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=900&Itemid=81

Documentary Antonio Gamoneda. Escritura y alquimia, filmed in 2007, directed by Enrique Corti and César Rendueles, script by Amalia Iglesias and Julia Piera.

Poetry reading by Julia Piera in Casa de Galicia (Madrid, Spain), September 15, 2008. From the event "Estacións Poéticas-Triloxías" (Segunda: Do verán perfecto). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GIfqblXDjY

Poems "Medio año de necromancia / Fiestas a pájaros / ¡…pero si no hay luna llena! / En las cuencas del monstruo hay huecos, ojos vacíos / Yo sólo sé hacer ojos" by Julia Piera, published in Adarve, Revista de crítica y creación poética, Adarve, III (2008). http://www4.ujaen.es/~dmanero/Adarve/Adarve3/index_archivos/Page484.htm http://www4.ujaen.es/~dmanero/Adarve/Adarve3/Adarve3.pdf

"Ojo y rasgado: mirada panóptica del simulacro (a través de cinco poemas de Julia Piera)" by Esther Ramón in Adarve, Revista de crítica y creación poética, Adarve, III (2008). http://www4.ujaen.es/~dmanero/Adarve/Adarve3/index_archivos/Page495.htm http://www4.ujaen.es/~dmanero/Adarve/Adarve3/Adarve3.pdf

"Spanish Poet gives local reading" in The Sligo Champion, November 2007. http://www.sligochampion.ie/entertainment/spanish-poet-gives-local-reading-1223797.html

"Nuevos territorios" in Siete de Siete, revista de escritura y poéticas, May 2007. http://www.7de7.net/dinamicas/general.php?id_contenido=154&id_seccion=3

"Fábulas de la alienidad" in Artes Hoy, Nº 19 - March 2007. http://www.arteshoy.com/lit20070305-4.html

Un diálogo intertextual, review by Luis García Jambrina, in Blanco y Negro Cultural (ABC, Spain), 31 March 2007 http://hemeroteca.abc.es/nav/Navigate.exe/hemeroteca/madrid/cultural/2007/03/31/018.html

"Conversaciones con Mary Shelley, de Julia Piera" in Letras Libres, December 2006. http://www.letraslibres.com/index.php?art=11724

"Japiberdeitumi" by Chiara Merino in El lector sin prisas, November 2006. http://blog.diarioinformacion.com/ellectorsinprisas/2006/11/20/japiberdeitumi/

"Certamen Jóvenes Creadores: Narrativa y Poesía", Dirección General de Educación y Juventud, Madrid, 2005. http://www.madrid.es/UnidadesDescentralizadas/EducacionyJuventud/Juventud/CertamenJovenesCreadores/CatalogoJovenesCreadores/2005/Ficheros/CatalogoNP2005.pdf

Igual que esos pájaros disecados, review by Manuel Muñiz Menéndez, in Blanco y Negro Cultural (ABC, Spain), 02/26/05 http://hemeroteca.abc.es/nav/Navigate.exe/hemeroteca/madrid/cultural/2005/02/26/022.html

Al vértice de la arena, review by Antonio Garrido Moraga, in Blanco y Negro Cultural (ABC, Spain), 21 June 2003 http://hemeroteca.abc.es/nav/Navigate.exe/hemeroteca/madrid/cultural/2003/06/21/015.html
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