KK Proleter Zrenjanin
Košarkaški klub Proleter Naftagas is a professional basketball
Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules...

 club from Zrenjanin
Zrenjanin is a city and municipality located in the eastern part of Serbian province of Vojvodina. It is the administrative centre of the Central Banat District of Serbia...

, Serbia
Serbia , officially the Republic of Serbia , is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe, covering the southern part of the Carpathian basin and the central part of the Balkans...

. The club currently plays in the Serbian League
Naša Sinalko Liga
-Champions:* 2006–07 to present: Basketball League of Serbia-Championship winning teams:* Including titles in SFR Yugoslavia, FR Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro and Serbia-Euroleague:-Eurocup:Ex. European Cup Winner's Cup, Saporta Cup...


Depth chart

Pos. Starter Bench Bench Reserve Inactive
Center (basketball)
The center, colloquially known as the five or the post, is one of the standard positions in a regulation basketball game. The center is normally the tallest player on the team, and often has a great deal of strength and body mass as well...

Zoran Majkić  Marko Tomić  Aleksandar Popović
Aleksandar Popovic
Aleksandar Popović, PhD is a Serbian politician and the former Minister of Energy and Mining and previously Minister of Science and Environment....

Power forward (basketball)
Power forward is a position in the sport of basketball. The position is referred to in playbook terms as the four position and is commonly abbreviated "PF". It has also been referred to as the "post" position. Power forwards play a role similar to that of center in what is called the "post" or "low...

Vuksan Gagović  Bogdan Obrenović 
Small forward
The small forward, or colloquially known as three, is one of the five positions in a regulation basketball game. Small forwards are typically somewhat shorter, quicker, and leaner than power forwards and centers, but on occasion are just as tall...

Marko Vulin  Branislav Barać  Predrag Nikolić
Predrag Nikolic
Predrag Nikolić is a Bosnian chess grandmaster.He first competed for the Yugoslav Championship in 1979, taking a share of second place. The following year and again in 1984, he went one step further and became the Yugoslav national champion...

Shooting guard
The shooting guard , also known as the two or off guard, is one of five traditional positions on a basketball team. Players of the position are often shorter, leaner, and quicker than forwards. A shooting guard's main objective is to score points for his team...

Petar Lambić  Milan Prodanović  Vladimir Vlasković Nemanja Bordoš 
Point guard
Point guard , also called the play maker or "the ball-handler", is one of the standard positions in a regulation basketball game. A point guard has perhaps the most specialized role of any position – essentially, he is expected to run the team's offense by controlling the ball and making sure that...

Nenad Đorić  Danijel Čuč  Đorđe Božović Dušan Trajković

External links

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