Ka Kee
Ka Kee or Unfainthful is a 1980
1980 in film
- Events :* May 21 - Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back is released and is the biggest grosser of the year ....

 Fantasy drama film
Drama film
A drama film is a film genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, infidelity, moral dilemmas, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, poverty, class divisions, violence against women...

 based on Thai folktale. The film is directed by Nerramitr and is One of the famous Thai fantasy film of the year.


A Garuda came down from his celestial residence to gamble with the king in a dice game. Garuda saw the beautiful Ka kee who is the king's wife and stole her away. The king's musician helps her to escape and seduces her. As the high sexuality of Ka Kee who now had slept with three man, The King found out and punished her by sent her away on raft floating upon the long deep sea as he think it will sent her of her destiny. Could Ka Kee survive from her unknown destination adventure at the middle of occean?, However, The Raft floating arrived at an island when Ka Kee fell at coma as she's tired and hungry for months and a group of thieves wanted her for his wife but Ka Kee woke up and escaped from them. During that, many several soldier of a King fought all those thieves and took Ka Kee home but she refused cause she knew her fault. A new king was seen as the king's musician who had slept with Ka kee and he loved Ka kee openly. Finally Ka Kee went with the king and lived happily ever after together.
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