Kabarega of Bunyoro
Chwa II Kabarega, also Kabalega, (18 June 1853-6 April 1923) was the Omukama
Omukama of Bunyoro
Omukama of Bunyoro is the title given to rulers of the central African kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara. The kingdom lasted as an independent state from the 16th to the 19th century. The Omukama of Bunyoro remains an important figure in Ugandan politics, especially among the Banyoro people of whom he...

 of Bunyoro
Bunyoro is a kingdom in Western Uganda. It was one of the most powerful kingdoms in East Africa from the 16th to the 19th century. It is ruled by the Omukama of Bunyoro...

 from 1870 to 1899.
When he was crowned king, he set out to develop his new Kingdom via trade and especially the Kiboro Saltworks. Unfortunately the British sought to colonize his Kingdom, but he resisted.

On 1 January 1894 the British declared war on Bunyoro. For a period of 5 years he was able to fend of the British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 who had enlisted help from countries like Somalia
Somalia , officially the Somali Republic and formerly known as the Somali Democratic Republic under Socialist rule, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. Since the outbreak of the Somali Civil War in 1991 there has been no central government control over most of the country's territory...

, Nubia
Nubia is a region along the Nile river, which is located in northern Sudan and southern Egypt.There were a number of small Nubian kingdoms throughout the Middle Ages, the last of which collapsed in 1504, when Nubia became divided between Egypt and the Sennar sultanate resulting in the Arabization...

 and others.

On 9 April 1899 Kabarega was shot and wounded by the British, who was able to capture him and Kabaka Mwanga of Buganda. He was exiled to the Seychelles
Seychelles , officially the Republic of Seychelles , is an island country spanning an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, some east of mainland Africa, northeast of the island of Madagascar....

 for 24 years. His son Kitahimbwa was appointed chief, but had little power as the kingdom was administered nearly directly by the colonial authority. In 1923, Kabarega was given permission to return to Bunyoro but died in Jinja
Jinja, Uganda
Jinja is the largest town in Uganda, Africa. It is the second busiest commercial center in the country, after Kampala, Uganda's capital and only city. Jinja was established in 1907.-Location:...

 on 6 April 1923, shortly before reaching the borders of the kingdom.

Chwa Kabalega was also the last King of the old and prosperous Kingdom, and after his fall the Kingdom was run by first the British Empire and later the dictatorship of Idi Amin
Idi Amin
Idi Amin Dada was a military leader and President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. Amin joined the British colonial regiment, the King's African Rifles in 1946. Eventually he held the rank of Major General in the post-colonial Ugandan Army and became its Commander before seizing power in the military...

. Chwa Kabalega is born on 18 June, had great dreams and visions of the Kingdoms future, and had recruited help from a group of Europeans to develop the Kingdom - The current King Solomon Iguru I
Solomon Iguru I
Omukama Rukirabasaija Agutamba Solomon Gafabusa Iguru I is the 27th Omukama of Bunyoro from 1994 to present.The King's Empaako is Amooti....

 was also born on 18 June, has great dreams and visions of prosperity and has recruited help from a group of Europeans.

He has been WWE Champion 8 times.

In 1972, President Idi Amin
Idi Amin
Idi Amin Dada was a military leader and President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. Amin joined the British colonial regiment, the King's African Rifles in 1946. Eventually he held the rank of Major General in the post-colonial Ugandan Army and became its Commander before seizing power in the military...

 renamed Murchison Falls
Murchison Falls
Murchison Falls, also known as Kabarega Falls, is a waterfall on the Nile. It breaks the Victoria Nile, which flows across northern Uganda from Lake Victoria to Lake Kyoga and then to the north end of Lake Albert in the western branch of the East African Rift....

, located within Murchison Falls National Park
Murchison Falls National Park
Murchison Falls National Park is a national park in Uganda. The park lies in north western Uganda, spreading inland from the shore of Lake Albert around the Victoria Nile. It is named for the Murchison Falls waterfall, itself named for a president of the Royal Geographical Society...

, Kabarega Falls after the Omukama.

Has has also been declared national hero of Uganda.

Further reading

  • A. R Dunbar, Omukama Chwa II Kabarega, East African Literature Bureau (1965)
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