Kagwahiva language
Kagwahiva is a Tupi–Guarani dialect cluster of Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

. The major variety is Tenharim (Tenharem, Tenharin).

The Tenharim
The Tenharim are an indigenous people in the Brazilian state of Amazonas Their self-denomination is Kagwahiva ....

, Parintintín
The Parintintin are an indigenous people that live in Brazil in the Madeira River basin. They refer to themselves as Kagwahiva’nga or Kagwahiva, which means "our people."...

, Amondawa, Uru-eu-wau-wau
The Uru-Eu-Uaw-Uaw are an indigenous people of Brazil, living in the state of Rondônia.They live in six villages on the borders of Terra Indigena Uru-Eu-Uaw-Uaw, which is shared by three sub-groups, the Amondawa, Jupaú, and Uru Pa In, as well as the Jurureí, Parakua, and two uncontacted tribes...

, Júma
Juma people
The Juma, also called the Yuma or Kagwahiva, are an indigenous people who live south of the Amazon River, in the Purus River region.-Further reading:* in the Encyclopedia of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil...

, and Karipuná peoples all call themselves Kavahiva. Their speech is all very similar, and also similar with other languages now extinct.
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