Kanitz Nunatak
Kanitz Nunatak is the rocky peak rising to over 600 m in the southern foothills of Laclavère Plateau
Laclavere Plateau
Laclavere Plateau is a plateau, 10 nautical miles long and from 1 to 3 nautical miles wide, rising to 1,035 m between Misty Pass and Theodolite Hill, Trinity Peninsula. The plateau rises south of Schmidt Peninsula and the Chilean scientific station, General Bernardo O'Higgins...

 on Trinity Peninsula
Trinity Peninsula
Trinity Peninsula is the extreme northern portion of the Antarctic Peninsula, extending northeastward for about from a line connecting Cape Kjellman and Cape Longing. Dating back more than a century, chartmakers used various names for this portion of the Antarctic peninsula, each name having some...

, Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctic Peninsula
The Antarctic Peninsula is the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica. It extends from a line between Cape Adams and a point on the mainland south of Eklund Islands....

. Situated 8.43 km south of Ami Boué Peak
Ami Boué Peak
Ami Boué Peak is the peak rising to 1101 m in the north extremity of Laclavère Plateau on Trinity Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula. Situated 8.79 km south-southeast of Mount Jacquinot, 11.14 km northeast of Dabnik Peak, 8.43 km north of Kanitz Nunatak and 12.56 km west-southwest of Fidase Peak.The...

, 9.81 km east-southeast of Dabnik Peak
Dabnik Peak
Dabnik Peak is the peak rising to 1090 m off the west extremity of Laclavère Plateau on Trinity Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula. Situated on the east side of Misty Pass, 14.2 km southeast of Cape Ducorps, 11.14 km southwest of Ami Boué Peak and 9.81 km west-northwest of Kanitz Nunatak...

, 6.15 km north of Cain Nunatak
Cain Nunatak
Cain Nunatak is the westernmost of two isolated nunataks on the south side of Broad Valley, Trinity Peninsula. The name arose at the time of the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey geological survey in 1960–61 and is in association with nearby Abel Nunatak, through the story of Cain and...

 and 9.84 km west by south of Theodolite Hill
Theodolite Hill
Theodolite Hill is a hill, 680 m, with a small rock outcrop at its summit, standing at the southeast corner of a plateau-type mountain 5 nautical miles west of the northwest end of Duse Bay, in the northeast part of Trinity Peninsula...

. Overlooking Broad Valley
Broad Valley
Broad Valley is a descriptive name for the broad glacier-filled valley on the south side of Laclavere Plateau, Trinity Peninsula. The name was suggested by V.I. Russell of the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey following his survey in 1946....

 to the south.

The peak is named after the settlement of Kanitz in northwestern Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...

, in connection with the Austro-Hungarian
Austria-Hungary , more formally known as the Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Council and the Lands of the Holy Hungarian Crown of Saint Stephen, was a constitutional monarchic union between the crowns of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary in...

A geographer is a scholar whose area of study is geography, the study of Earth's natural environment and human society.Although geographers are historically known as people who make maps, map making is actually the field of study of cartography, a subset of geography...

 and ethnographer Felix Kanitz (1829–1904).


Kanitz Nunatak is located at 63°29′33"S 57°46′41"W. German-British mapping in 1996.


  • Trinity Peninsula. Scale 1:250000 topographic map No. 5697. Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie and British Antarctic Survey, 1996.
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