Karu-Sil is a fictional character
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...

, a supervillain
A supervillain or supervillainess is a variant of the villain character type, commonly found in comic books, action movies and science fiction in various media.They are sometimes used as foils to superheroes and other fictional heroes...

 in the DC Comics
DC Comics
DC Comics, Inc. is one of the largest and most successful companies operating in the market for American comic books and related media. It is the publishing unit of DC Entertainment a company of Warner Bros. Entertainment, which itself is owned by Time Warner...

DC Universe
The DC Universe is the shared universe where most of the comic stories published by DC Comics take place. The fictional characters Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are well-known superheroes from this universe. Note that in context, "DC Universe" is usually used to refer to the main DC continuity...


Publication history

Artist Ethan Van Sciver
Ethan Van Sciver
Ethan Daniel Van Sciver is an American comic book artist, best known for illustrating a number of titles including Green Lantern, Superman/Batman, New X-Men, and The Flash: Rebirth...

 said on Karu-Sil's creation, "With Karu-Sil, I had the idea for Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider (comics)
Ghost Rider is the name of several fictional supernatural antiheroes appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Marvel had previously used the name for a Western character whose name was later changed to Night Rider and subsequently to Phantom Rider.The first supernatural Ghost Rider is...

. If I ever did Ghost Rider, she was going to be a Ghost Rider villain. And I just mentioned the idea to Geoff [Johns
Geoff Johns
Geoff Johns is an American comic book writer, best known for his work for DC Comics, where he has been Chief Creative Officer since February 2010, in particular for characters such as Green Lantern, The Flash and Superman...

], and we turned her into part of the Sinestro Corps
Sinestro Corps
The Sinestro Corps is a group of fictional characters, a villainous analogue to the Green Lantern Corps in the DC Universe. It is led by the supervillain Thaal Sinestro.-Before the Corps:...

." On explaining her name, Sciver said "She's got animals all around her. She's a human carousel. So Geoff called her Karu-Sil and came up with her origin."http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=108339

Fictional character biography

Karu-Sil was born on Graxos III in Sector 2815
Arisia (comics)
Arisia Rrab is a fictional character, a superhero featured in comic books published by DC Comics. Arisia is a humanoid alien with golden-yellow skin, hair and eyes, and has pointed, elven ears....

, a primitive and violent jungle world. At a very young age, her parents were slaughtered in a raid on her village by a rival tribe, and she was forced to fend for herself in the jungle. She was adopted by a pack of predators. In order to resemble her new family better she carved off her lips, permanently exposing her fanged teeth.

Years later, as she drank water from a river, she was discovered by a young man from a nearby village. Though the man approaches her in friendship, she struck him down. As her pack began devouring the corpse, the Green Lantern Blish of the sector showed up and killed the animals. Not realising she had been part of the pack, Blish took her away to Graxos IV, a more technologically advanced world, to be cared for. There, she brutally killed a psychologist treating her, and she was institutionalized.

It is during this imprisonment that she was recruited into the Sinestro Corps
Sinestro Corps
The Sinestro Corps is a group of fictional characters, a villainous analogue to the Green Lantern Corps in the DC Universe. It is led by the supervillain Thaal Sinestro.-Before the Corps:...

. Once she obtained the power of the ring, she used it to create duplicates of her pack. Despite the fact that they are energy constructs, Karu-Sil still cares for them deeply, even comforting one after Guy Gardner
Guy Gardner (comics)
Guy Gardner is a fictional character, a comic book superhero published by DC Comics. He is a core member of the Green Lantern family of characters, and for a time was also a significant member of the Justice League family of characters.He was created by John Broome and Gil Kane in Green Lantern...

 kicks it. She refers to them as her "fathers three", and when her ring runs low on power, she states "they need to be fed!"

After the Sinestro Corps War
Sinestro Corps War
"Sinestro Corps War" is an American comic book crossover event published by DC Comics in its Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps titles. Written by Geoff Johns and Dave Gibbons and drawn by Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason, and Ethan Van Sciver, the 11-part saga was originally published between June...

 she was captured by the Zamaron
The Zamarons are a fictional extraterrestrial race published by DC Comics. They were first introduced in Green Lantern #16 , and were created by John Broome and Gil Kane.-Fictional species biography:...

s and encased in a violet conversion crystal. The conversion crystals found on Zamaron are used to slowly drain the power of rings belonging to members of other corps and replace that power with violet light. Once this process has been completed, the individual will emerge as a Star Sapphire
Star Sapphire (comics)
Star Sapphire is the name of several supervillains in DC Comics, all connected in origin. Within DC continuity, an immortal race of warrior women were depicted as having the ancient tradition of choosing physically identical mortals from across the cosmos to serve as the host body for their queen....

. Sinestro orders his Corps to free the Sinestro Corps members imprisoned on Zamaron by the Star Sapphires. She's released before her conversion is fully completed.

During the Blackest Night, Karu-Sil was attacked by the corpses of her pack, reanimated as Black Lanterns
Black Lantern Corps
The Black Lantern Corps is a fictional organization of revenants appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. The group is composed of deceased fictional characters that seek to eliminate all life from the DC Universe.-Publication history:...

. Although initially unwilling to fight her "fathers", she was convinced by a passing Green Lantern to join her light with him and destroy them. She then killed the Green Lantern herself.

Powers and abilities

Karu-Sil wields a yellow power ring with powers comparable to that of a Green Lantern
Green Lantern
The Green Lantern is the shared primary alias of several fictional characters, superheroes appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. The first Green Lantern was created by writer Bill Finger and artist Martin Nodell in All-American Comics #16 .Each Green Lantern possesses a power ring and...


External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.