Katherine Prescott
Katherine Prescott was the sixth president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Mothers Against Drunk Driving is a non-profit organization in the United States that seeks to stop drunk driving, support those affected by drunk driving, prevent underage drinking, and overall push for stricter alcohol policy...

 (MADD), serving 1995-1997. Ms. Prescott's 16-year-old son was killed by a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .17 percent, which is over twice the current maximum level. The tragedy led Ms. Prescott to begin working for the organization and ultimately rise to her position of national leadership.

Ms. Prescott advocated a 0.0 maximum legal BAC for driving and asseted that “There is no safe blood alcohol level, and for that reason responsible drinking means no drinking and driving.”

MADD presidents

  • Candy Lightner
    Candy Lightner
    Candace Lynne "Candy" Lightner is the organizer and founding president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving . On May 3, 1980, Lightner’s 13-year-old daughter, Cari, was killed by a hit-and-run driver at Sunset and New York Avenues in Fair Oaks, California.The leniency of the sentence given to the...

  • Norma Phillips Thorworth
    Norma Phillips Thorworth
    Norma Phillips Thorworth was the second national president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving . She became involved with the organization soon after her son, Dean, and his girlfriend, Tish Crothswaite, were killed by a drunk driver on Thanksgiving Day 1981 in San Diego, California.- MADD presidents...

  • Micky Sadoff 1988–1991
  • Milo Kirk
    Milo Kirk
    Milo Kirk was the fourth president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving , serving 1991-1993. Ms. Kirk's young son suffered several severe injuries, including loss of sight in one eye, after a teenage driver with three prior DUI convictions hit the Kirk vehicle...

  • Rebecca Brown 1993–1995
  • Katherine Prescott 1995–1997
  • Karolyn Nunnallee
    Karolyn Nunnallee
    Karolyn Nunnallee was the seventh president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving , serving 1998-1999. Ms. Nunnallee's ten-year-old daughter, Patty Nunnallee, was killed in the Carrollton bus disaster in 1988...

  • Millie Webb
    Millie I. Webb
    Millie I. Webb was national president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving , during which time she was especially active in promoting federal legislation pressuring states to lower their maximum legal blood alcohol concentration for operating motor vehicles to .08.In 1991, Ms. Webb was elected to...

  • Wendy Hamilton
    Wendy J. Hamilton
    Wendy J. Hamilton was national president of the United States pressure group Mothers Against Drunk Driving from July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2005. After experiencing three tragedies in her family involving drunk drivers, she became active in MADD in 1984. In 1995, she joined MADD's National Board of...

  • Glynn Birch
    Glynn Birch
    Glynn Birch was the 10th president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving . He was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2000, after having served as president of the MADD Central Florida chapter....

    July 2005–June 2008


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