Keiko Yamamoto
, born August 7, 1943, is a veteran female voice actor from Osaka Prefecture
. Many of her roles have been young boys or tomboyish young girls.
Osaka Prefecture
is a prefecture located in the Kansai region on Honshū, the main island of Japan. The capital is the city of Osaka. It is the center of Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto area.- History :...
. Many of her roles have been young boys or tomboyish young girls.
TV Anime
- Akadō Suzunosuke 1972 (Suzunosuke Akadō)
- Aria the NaturalARIA (manga)is a utopian science fantasy manga by Kozue Amano. The series was originally titled when it was published by Enix in the magazine Monthly Stencil, being retitled when it moved to Mag Garden's magazine Comic Blade. Aqua was serialized in Stencil from 2001 to 2002 and collected in two tankōbon volumes...
(Oba-san) - Attack No.1 (Kaori Yagisawa)
- Osomatsu-kunOsomatsu-kunis a manga series by Fujio Akatsuka which ran in Shōnen Sunday from 1962 to 1969. It has been adapted into two different anime series of the same name, the first in 1966, produced by Studio Zero, and the second in 1988, produced by Pierrot and aired across Japan on Fuji Television and the anime...
1966 (Choromatsu) - Nerima Daikon BrothersNerima Daikon Brothersis a manga and 12 episode comedy anime series that follows the adventures of two brothers Hideki, Ichiro, and Mako who form the band, "Nerima Daikon Brothers."...
(Director) - Ganbare Gonbe (Gonbe)
- Galaxy Express 999Galaxy Express 999is a manga written and drawn by Leiji Matsumoto, as well as various anime films and TV series based on it. It is set in a space-faring, high-tech future in which humans have learned how to transfer their minds into mechanical bodies, thus achieving practical immortality.The manga won the...
(Boy (ep. 30)) - Kindaichi Case FilesKindaichi Case Filesis a serialized Japanese mystery manga series based on the crime solving adventures of a high school student, Hajime Kindaichi, the supposed grandson of the famous private detective Kosuke Kindaichi. They are written by Yōzaburō Kanari or Seimaru Amagi and illustrated by Fumiya Satō...
(Yurie) - KinnikumanKinnikumanis a manga created by the duo of Yudetamago , which is composed of Yoshinori Nakai and Takashi Shimada. The manga was published in Shueisha's Weekly Jump, and received the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen manga in 1985...
(Nachiguron and Kinkotsu-Obaba) - GeGeGe no KitarouGe Ge Ge no Kitarois a manga series created in 1959 by manga artist Shigeru Mizuki. It is best known for its popularization of the folklore creatures known as yōkai, a class of spirit-monster to which all of the main characters belong. It has been adapted for the screen several times, as anime, live action and video...
1968 (Donpei,Obebe, GirlGirlA girl is any female human from birth through childhood and adolescence to attainment of adulthood. The term may also be used to mean a young woman.-Etymology:...
) - GeGeGe no Kitarou 1971/1996/2007 (Sunakake Babaa)
- GeGeGe no Kitarou 1985/2007 (ShisaShisaShisa is a traditional Ryukyuan decoration, often in pairs, resembling a cross between a lion and a dog, from Okinawan mythology. People place pairs of shisa on their rooftops or flanking the gates to their houses. Shisa are wards, believed to protect from some evils...
) - Kiteretsu DaihyakkaKiteretsu Daihyakkais a science fiction manga series by Fujiko Fujio which ran in the children's magazine Kodomo no Hikari from April 1974 through July 1977...
(Yone (first voice)) - Konjiki no Gash Bell!!Zatch Bell!Zatch Bell!, known in Japan as is a shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Raiku. It was published in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday...
(Riou) - Sazae-sanSazae-sanis a Japanese comic strip created by Machiko Hasegawa. It was first published in Hasegawa's local paper, the , on April 22, 1946. When the wished to have Hasegawa draw the comic strip for their paper, she moved to Tokyo in 1949 with the explanation that the main characters had moved from Kyūshū to...
(Hanako Hanazawa) - Majokko Meg-chanMajokko Megu-chanis a magical girl anime series. The manga was created by Tomo Inoue and Akio Narita, while the 72-episode anime series was produced by Toei Animation between 1974 and 1975. This series is considered an important forerunner of the present day magical girl genre, as the series' characterization and...
(Rabi Kanzaki) - Little PollonLittle Pollonis a musical Greek mythology-based Japanese anime television series, based on the 1977 manga Olympus no Pollon by Hideo Azuma. The TV anime series consisted of 46 episodes and aired across Japan on Fuji TV from May 1982 to March 1983, and was also popular in some European countries, such as Italy...
(Eros) - Shugo Chara!Shugo Chara!, also known as My Guardian Characters, is a Japanese shōjo manga series created by the manga author duo, Peach-Pit. The story centers on elementary school girl Amu Hinamori, whose popular exterior, referred to as "cool and spicy" by her classmates, contrasts with her introverted personality...
(Nobuko Saeki) - Soreike! Anpanman (Kujira no Kutan, Bakeru-kun)
- ZendermanZendermanis a Japanese anime television series which first aired from February 3, 1979 to January 26, 1980 on every Saturday from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm with a total of 52 episodes. It is the third show in the sequence of "Time Bokan Series" produced by Tatsunoko Productions...
(Jimmy) - Tiger MaskTiger Maskis a Japanese manga series written by Ikki Kajiwara and illustrated by Naoki Tsuji. The series was first published in Kodansha's Bokura Magazine from 1968 to 1969 and was later published in Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 1970 to 1971...
(Gaboten) - Tatakae! Osupā (Osupā)
- Chibi Maruko-chanChibi Maruko-chanis a shōjo manga series by Momoko Sakura, later adapted into an anime TV series by Nippon Animation, which originally aired on Fuji Television from January 7, 1990 to September 27, 1992. The series depicts the simple, everyday life of a little girl nicknamed Maruko and her family in suburban...
(Yamada-kun) - Demashita! Powerpuff Girls ZDemashita! Powerpuff Girls ZPowerpuff Girls Z, known in Japan as or PPGZ for short, is a magical girl anime series based on the American animated television series The Powerpuff Girls. The anime is co-produced by Cartoon Network Japan and Aniplex and was animated by Toei Animation, featuring character design by Miho Shimogasa...
(Little Arturo) - Tensai BakabonTensai Bakabonis a manga and anime series created by Fujio Akatsuka which began publication on April 9, 1967 in Weekly Shōnen Magazine. It is about the misadventures of a dim-witted boy and his insane father, the latter of whom eventually becomes the central character.-Characters:-Anime:Four anime series have...
Series (Bakabon) - HamtaroHamtarois a Japanese anime series. The main character is a hamster named Hamtaro who has a variety of adventures with other hamsters, called "Ham-Hams" . The show is based on a manga series by Ritsuko Kawai, Hamtaro Gets Lost and Other Stories, and Jealous Hamtaro and Other Stories...
(Debiham-kun) - Dr. SlumpDr. Slumpis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It was serialized in Shueisha's anthology comic Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1980 to 1984 which were collected into 18 tankōbon volumes...
(Akiko-san, Unchi-kun) - DoraemonDoraemonis a Japanese manga series created by Fujiko F. Fujio which later became an anime series and an Asian franchise...
1973 (Sewashi) - Dragon Ball (Hakkake Baa-san, Annin-Sama)
- Dragon Ball Z (East Kaiou)
- Nono-chanNono-chanis a yonkoma manga series begun in 1991 by Hisaichi Ishii originally serialized as in the Asahi Shimbun in Japan. When the series first began, it was generally focused on all of the members of the Yamada family. As the series progressed, the daughter became the most popular character among...
(Matsuko Yamada) - Big XBig Xis a science fiction manga series and an anime series by Osamu Tezuka, based on actual experiments conducted by the Nazis to create secret weapons toward the end of World War II.-Storyline:...
(Hans) - BikkurimanBikkurimanis a Japanese anime series.The original Bikkuriman series, created by Toei Animation, aired from October 11, 1987 to April 2, 1989. Sequels include a second Bikkuriman series and Super Bikkuriman.-History:...
(Jack) - Himitsu no Akko-chanHimitsu no Akko-chanis a pioneering magical girl manga and anime that ran in Japan during the 1960s.The manga was drawn and written by Fujio Akatsuka, and was published in Ribon from 1962 to 1965. It predates the Mahōtsukai Sunny manga, printed in 1966...
(Chikako) - Kirby: Right Back at Ya!Kirby: Right Back at Ya!Kirby: of the stars, known in Japan Kirby right back at ya!', is an anime series based on Nintendo's Kirby franchise. The series was produced by Warpstar Inc., a company formed between a joint investment between Nintendo and HAL Laboratory, Inc.The series, which takes place in a village called...
(Escargon's Mother) - Mahoujin Guru Guru (Magical Obaba)
- Moretsu Atarou (Atarou)
- Lupin IIILupin III, also known as Lupin the 3rd, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kazuhiko Kato under the pen name of Monkey Punch. The story follows the adventures of a gang of thieves led by Arsène Lupin III, the grandson of Arsène Lupin, the gentleman thief of Maurice Leblanc's series of...
Part III (Queen Gretchen) - DevilmanDevilmanis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai which originally started as an anime adaptation of the concept of Nagai's previous manga series, Demon Lord Dante. A 39 episode anime series was developed by Toei in 1972 and Nagai began Devilman as a manga in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen...
(Tare-chan) (1970's TV series) - One PieceOne Pieceis a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since August 4, 1997; the individual chapters are being published in tankōbon volumes by Shueisha, with the first released on December 24, 1997, and the 64th volume released as...
(Amazon) - Eagle SamSam (Olympic mascot)Sam the Olympic Eagle is the mascot of the 1984 Summer Olympics which were held in Los Angeles. He is a bald eagle, which is the national bird of the United States, where the games were held. He also shares the name of Uncle Sam, another American symbol. Sam was designed by C. Robert Moore, an...
(Eagle Sam)
- KinnikumanKinnikumanis a manga created by the duo of Yudetamago , which is composed of Yoshinori Nakai and Takashi Shimada. The manga was published in Shueisha's Weekly Jump, and received the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen manga in 1985...
Series (Nachiguron) - Crayon Shin-chanCrayon Shin-chanis a Japanese manga and anime series written by Yoshito Usui.Crayon Shin-chan follows the adventures of five-year-old Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara and his parents, baby sister, neighbors, and friends and is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan....
Great Black Ball Chase (Ball King Nakamure) - Dorami-chanDoraemonis a Japanese manga series created by Fujiko F. Fujio which later became an anime series and an Asian franchise...
Mini-Dora SOS! (Arara) - Dr. Slump and Arale-chan: N-cha! Clear Skies Over Penguin VillageDr. Slumpis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It was serialized in Shueisha's anthology comic Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1980 to 1984 which were collected into 18 tankōbon volumes...
(Dodongadon) - Pokémon: Destiny DeoxysPokémon: Destiny DeoxysPokémon: Destiny Deoxys, originally released in Japan as is the seventh film in the Pokémon series, complementing the seventh season . It is the second film released under Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation in Japan. The original Japanese version was released in theaters on July 17, 2004...
(Gonbe (Munchlax)) - One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island (Keroko)
- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Oba-san)
- Kingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts IIis an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and published by Buena Vista Games and Square Enix in 2005 for the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console...
(Chicken Little) - Dark ChronicleDark ChronicleDark Chronicle , released as Dark Cloud 2 in North America, is a role-playing video game for the PlayStation 2 video game console...
(Future Rin) - Popful MailPopful Mailis a side-scrolling platform game. Popful Mail was developed by Nihon Falcom for the NEC PC-8801 computer in 1991 and for the PC-9801 in 1992. It was later ported to PC Engine CD-ROM by NEC Home Electronics and to the Sega CD by "Sega Falcom", an alliance of the two game companies Sega and Falcom...
(Gaw) - Super Dodge BallSuper Dodge BallSuper Dodge Ball, released in Japan as is a dodgeball-based sports game produced by Technos Japan Corp. originally released as an arcade game in...
- Chōriki Sentai Ohranger (voice of Barahanguri)
- Ganbare!! RobokonGanbare!! Robokonwas a Japanese television program created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei. It ran for 118 episodes from October 4, 1974 to March 25, 1977 on NET TV. The series is rebooted in the 1999 series ....
Dub Work
- Chicken LittleChicken Little (2005 film)Chicken Little is a 2005 computer-animated science fiction family comedy film loosely based on the fable The Sky Is Falling. It was the 46th animated feature produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation...
(Chicken Little) - PB&J OtterPB&J OtterPB&J Otter is an animated children's series which premiered on Playhouse Disney on March 15, 1998. A total of 65 episodes were produced during the course of its three season run, with the "farewell" episode airing on September 24, 2000. The series centered on the Otter family who lived in the rural...
(Jelly Otter)
External links
- Keiko Yamamoto at Aoni ProductionAoni ProductionAoni Production is a Japanese talent agency representing a fair number of voice actors and other Japanese entertainers.-Voice actors currently affiliated with Aoni:...