Kent Glacier
Kent Glacier is a glacier
A glacier is a large persistent body of ice that forms where the accumulation of snow exceeds its ablation over many years, often centuries. At least 0.1 km² in area and 50 m thick, but often much larger, a glacier slowly deforms and flows due to stresses induced by its weight...

 which drains the east side of Markham Plateau
Markham Plateau
Markham Plateau is a small, but prominent, high plateau which extends south from Mount Markham for about 10 nautical miles and forms the divide between east and west-flowing glaciers in the north part of Queen Elizabeth Range. Mapped by the United States Geological Survey from tellurometer...

 in the Queen Elizabeth Range
Queen Elizabeth Range (Antarctica)
The Queen Elizabeth Range is a rugged mountain range in Antarctica paralleling the eastern side of Marsh Glacier for nearly 160 km from Nimrod Glacier in the north to Law Glacier in the south. Mount Markham , is the highest elevation in the range.Named by J.H. Miller of the New Zealand party...

 and flows east for about 15 nautical miles (28 km) to enter Lowery Glacier
Lowery Glacier
Lowery Glacier is a glacier about 60 nautical miles long, which flows north from Prince Andrew Plateau along the east side of Queen Elizabeth Range to enter Nimrod Glacier. Named by the N.Z Geological and Topographical Survey Expedition for J.H...

. Named by the northern party of the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition
New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition
The New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition describes a series of scientific explorations of the continent Antarctica. The expeditions were notably active in 1957-58 and again in 1958-59. The 1957-58 expedition went to the Ross Dependency and named the Borchgrevink Glacier...

(NZGSAE) (1961–62) after the English county and the Dukedom of Kent.
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