Cuellito is one of the seven mat holds,
Osaekomi-waza, of Kodokan Judo
is a modern martial art and combat sport created in Japan in 1882 by Jigoro Kano. Its most prominent feature is its competitive element, where the object is to either throw or takedown one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with a grappling maneuver, or force an...

In grappling terms, it is categorized as a
side control hold.

Nuquita is one of the Shime arts in Danzan Ryu
Danzan Ryu
Danzan-Ryū is a Ryū of jujutsu founded by Henry Seishiro Okazaki in Hawaii. Danzan Ryū is ubiquitous in the United States, particularly on the west coast....

 Jujitsu. It is very similar to Kesa Gatame.

Technique description


Many Judo throws
Throw (grappling)
A throw is a martial arts term for a grappling technique that involves off-balancing or lifting an opponent, and tossing them to the ground in Japanese martial arts referred to as nage-waza, 投げ技, "throwing technique"...

 lead naturally to Kesa-Gatame, since
the classic judo hold places one grip on the opponent's lapel
and one grip near the opponent's elbow.
Then as one enters the ground phase,
one arm goes around the opponent's neck and
the other arm secures the opponent's arm.

In The Canon Of Judo, Kyuzo Mifune
Kyuzo Mifune
has been categorized as one of the greatest exponents of the art of judo after the founder, Kanō Jigorō. He is considered by many to be the greatest judo technician ever, after Kanō.-Early life:...

points out that tori's arm should lift uke's head and
tori's leg should be under uke's shoulder.

Exemplar Videos:



  • Arm Pullout Kesa Gatame Escape:

Tori escapes by pulling out his held arm and attempts to take uke's back
Back mount
Back mount, or rear mount, is a dominant ground grappling position where one combatant is behind the other in such a way that he or she is controlling the combatant in front. Typically, the combatant in the inferior position is lying face-down, while the other combatant is sitting or lying on top...

  • Bridge and Roll Kesa Gatame Escape:

Tori attempts to escape uke's hold by pulling out his arm, but
then in a quick reversal (Push-Pull
Push–pull may refer to:In electronic technology:*Push–pull output, type of electronic circuit*Push–pull converter, in electronics, is a type of DC to DC converter that uses a transformer*Push–pull connector, an electronic cable connector...

tori changes his torque from trying to pull his arm out to
rolling uke over into side control
Side control
Side control is a dominant ground grappling position where the top combatant is lying perpendicularly over the face-up bottom combatant in such a way that the legs are free and he or she exerts considerable control over the combatant on the bottom...

  • Leg Hook Kesa Gatame Escape:

Tori chases uke around attempting to hooks uke's leg with his leg.
Once hooked and secure, it becomes much easier for tori to roll over uke into
either side control
Side control
Side control is a dominant ground grappling position where the top combatant is lying perpendicularly over the face-up bottom combatant in such a way that the legs are free and he or she exerts considerable control over the combatant on the bottom...

 or take uke's back
Back mount
Back mount, or rear mount, is a dominant ground grappling position where one combatant is behind the other in such a way that he or she is controlling the combatant in front. Typically, the combatant in the inferior position is lying face-down, while the other combatant is sitting or lying on top...



  • Kesa-Ashi-Gatame, Double Leg Gatame Arm Bar
  • Single Leg Gatame Arm Bar

And with some transitioning, the arm held is at risk of many other locks.

Also one step away is Kata-Gatame
Kata-Gatame is one of the seven mat holds, Osaekomi-waza, of Kodokan Judo. It is also one of the 25 techniques of Danzan Ryu's constriction arts, Shimete, list. In grappling terms, it is categorized as a side control hold...

. Although categorized as a mat hold,
it is also a choke
if enough pressure is exerted correctly.

Included systems

  • Kodokan
    , or the Kodokan Institute, is the headquarters of the worldwide judo community. Literally, kō means "to lecture" or "to spread information," dō means "the way," and kan is "a public building or hall," together translating roughly as "a place for the study or promotion of the way." The Kodokan was...

    is a modern martial art and combat sport created in Japan in 1882 by Jigoro Kano. Its most prominent feature is its competitive element, where the object is to either throw or takedown one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with a grappling maneuver, or force an...

    , Judo Lists

  • The Canon Of Judo
  • Judo technique
    Judo technique
    This page is a list of judo techniques. There are a variety of techniques recognized by Kodokan judo and other budō . Below is a partial list, organized by technique type and alphabetically within type....


(Back Scarf Hold)

Ura-Kesa-Gatame is one of the variations of Kesa-Gatame,a mat hold, listed in The Canon Of Judo.- Included systems :Lists:*The Canon Of Judo*Judo technique- Similar techniques, variants, and aliases :English aliases:*Back scarf holdSimilar:...

is a mat hold demonstrated in
The Essence Of Judo
and described in The Canon Of Judo by Kyuzo Mifune
Kyuzo Mifune
has been categorized as one of the greatest exponents of the art of judo after the founder, Kanō Jigorō. He is considered by many to be the greatest judo technician ever, after Kanō.-Early life:...

, but
unrecognized by the Kodokan
, or the Kodokan Institute, is the headquarters of the worldwide judo community. Literally, kō means "to lecture" or "to spread information," dō means "the way," and kan is "a public building or hall," together translating roughly as "a place for the study or promotion of the way." The Kodokan was...

. See also North south position.


(Rear Scarf Hold)

Ushiro-Kesa-Gatame is one of the variations of Kesa-Gatame, a mat hold, listed in The Canon Of Judo.- Escapes : The main escape from this hold involves bridging and rolling your opponent over your shoulder...

is a mat hold demonstrated in
The Essence Of Judo
and described in The Canon Of Judo by Kyuzo Mifune
Kyuzo Mifune
has been categorized as one of the greatest exponents of the art of judo after the founder, Kanō Jigorō. He is considered by many to be the greatest judo technician ever, after Kanō.-Early life:...

, but
unrecognized by the Kodokan
, or the Kodokan Institute, is the headquarters of the worldwide judo community. Literally, kō means "to lecture" or "to spread information," dō means "the way," and kan is "a public building or hall," together translating roughly as "a place for the study or promotion of the way." The Kodokan was...

. See also North south position.


Hon-Kesa-Gatame (Basic Scarf Hold)

Makura-Kesa-Gatame (Pillow Scarf Hold)
Tori places his right thigh under uke's head raising uke's head up.
Tori's right hand wraps aunder uke's left shoulder, and
holds on to his right knee or thigh to lock his head and shoulder.
Tori leans forward to trap uke's head and spreads his legs.

Kuzure-Kesa-Gatame is one of the seven mat holds,Osaekomi-waza,of Kodokan Judo.In grappling terms, it is categorized as aside control hold.- Technique description :from

Danzan Ryu's
Danzan Ryu
Danzan-Ryū is a Ryū of jujutsu founded by Henry Seishiro Okazaki in Hawaii. Danzan Ryū is ubiquitous in the United States, particularly on the west coast....

 Eri-Gatame (Lapel Pin)
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