Kho is a cooking technique in Vietnamese cuisine in which a protein source such as fish, shrimp, poultry, pork, beef, or fried tofu
is a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. It is part of East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisine such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and others. There are many different varieties of tofu, including fresh tofu and tofu...

is braised on low heat in a mixture of fish sauce, sugar, and water or a water substitute such as young coconut juice. The resulting dish is salty and meant to be eaten with steamed rice.


Pork, fish, shrimp, and poultry are the most common choices for a kho dish. Fried tofu is sometimes added to a pork kho dish. Beef is almost never used. Bo kho, a dish made of beef is not considered a kho dish even though it has the word "kho" in it. It is more of a soup to be eaten with rice noodles or bread, never with rice.

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