King George Bay (Antarctica)
King George Bay is a bay
A bay is an area of water mostly surrounded by land. Bays generally have calmer waters than the surrounding sea, due to the surrounding land blocking some waves and often reducing winds. Bays also exist as an inlet in a lake or pond. A large bay may be called a gulf, a sea, a sound, or a bight...

 indenting the south coast of King George Island for 6 miles (10 km) between Lions Rump
Lions Rump
Lions Rump is a conspicuous headland forming the west side of the entrance to King George Bay, on King George Island, in the South Shetland Islands. Charted and given this descriptive name in 1937 by DI personnel on the Discovery II....

 and Turret Point
Turret Point
Turret Point is a point marked by conspicuous high rock stacks, forming the east limit of King George Bay on the south coast of King George Island, in the South Shetland Islands. The point was charted in 1937 by DI personnel on the Discovery II who gave the name Turret Rocks, but this has led to...

, in the South Shetland Islands
South Shetland Islands
The South Shetland Islands are a group of Antarctic islands, lying about north of the Antarctic Peninsula, with a total area of . By the Antarctic Treaty of 1959, the Islands' sovereignty is neither recognized nor disputed by the signatories and they are free for use by any signatory for...

. It was named on January 24, 1820 for the then reigning sovereign of the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 by a British expedition under Edward Bransfield
Edward Bransfield
Edward Bransfield was a master of the British Royal Navy and considered the discoverer of the continent of Antarctica.-Early life:...

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